Termeni și Condiții

1. Prevederi generale Prezentele Termeni si Conditii se aplica vanzarilor de produse prin intermediul platformei VINIETE.NET cat si persoanele care utilizeaza platforma VINIETE.NET.

Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie termenii si conditiile de utilizare ale acestui website prezentate mai jos. Accesul/ vizitarea acestui site de catre dumneavoastra se supune Termenilor si conditiilor de utilizare, implica acceptul explicit al dumneavoastra cu privire la acestia si reprezinta intreaga intelegere (contractul) dintre parti.

Navigarea pe site-ul VINIETE.NET, urmata de plasarea unei Comenzi, echivaleaza cu citirea, intelegerea si acceptarea in integralitate a Termenilor de catre orice Client al Prestatorului, avand calitatea de Utilizator/ Cumparator/ Consumator. Facturile emise se pot certifica prin semnatura electronica (conform prevederilor Legii nr. 455/2001). Se accepta si cumparatori din alte tari si/sau livrarea catre alte tari.

Relatia dintre parti este guvernata de urmatoarele acte normative:

OG nr. 21/1992 privind protectia consumatorilor; OUG nr. 34/2014 privind drepturile consumatorilor in cadrul contractelor incheiate cu profesionistii; Legea nr. 363/2007 privind combaterea practicilor incorecte ale comerciantilor in relatia cu consumatorii si armonizarea reglementarilor cu legislatia europeana privind protectia consumatorilor; Legea 365/2002 privind comertul electronic. OUG 141/2021 privind anumite aspecte referitoare la contractele de furnizare de continut digital si de servicii digitale.

UF International SRL isi rezerva dreptul de a face modificari in continutul acestui site, precum si in cadrul prezentelor Termeni si conditii, fara niciun fel de notificare prealabila a Consumatorilor. In caz de divergenta sau neintelegeri intre Prestator si Client, se vor aplica Termenii si conditiile valabile la momentul plasarii Comenzii.

Tariful prezentat este format din: -Pretul Taxei de drum (Taxa de drum) -Alte taxe aferente serviciului oferit de UF International SRL (Ex: Comisioane, TVA, VAT, taxe aferente procesatorului de plata sau altele)

Factura este emisa automat de catre sistemul nostru. In cazul in care printr-o eroare nu ati primit-o, va rugam sa faceti o sesizare pe [email protected].

Atentie! In unele cazuri, comenzile plasate in afara intervalului orar 08:00-22:00, vor fi decalate cu o zi si se vor onora in timpul programului.


Conform Legii comertului electronic (Legea 365/2002 cu modificarile aduse prin legea 121/2006) - "Art. 7: Validitatea, efectele juridice si proba contractelor incheiate prin mijloace electronice

(1) Contractele incheiate prin mijloace electronice produc toate efectele pe care legea le recunoaste contractelor, atunci cand sunt intrunite conditiile cerute de lege pentru validitatea acestora.

(2) Pentru validitatea contractelor incheiate prin mijloace electronice nu este necesar consimtamantul prealabil al partilor asupra utilizarii mijloacelor electronice.

(3) Proba incheierii contractelor prin mijloace electronice si a obligatiilor care rezulta din aceste contracte este supusa dispozitiilor dreptului comun in materie de proba si prevederilor Legii nr. 455/2001 privind semnatura electronica. "

Prin exceptia mentionata de art. 16 din OUG nr. 34/2014, privind drepturile consumatorilor in cadrul contractelor incheiate cu profesionisti, precum si pentru modificarea si completarea unor acte normative, serviciile de drum (taxele de utilizare a infrastructurii rutiere din Romania) NU pot fi returnate si nu sunt necesare prevederile speciale privind garantia si service-ul aplicat asupra produsului/ serviciului:

" Art. 16 - Exceptari de la dreptul de retragere - Sunt exceptate de la dreptul de retragere prevazut la art. 9-15 in ceea ce priveste contractele la distanta si contractele in afara spatiilor comerciale urmatoarele: .....

c) furnizarea de produse confectionate dupa specificatiile prezentate de consumator sau personalizate in mod clar.”

Informatiile furnizate de Utilizatori vor fi stocate de catre UF International SRL in format electronic si nu vor fi livrate catre nicio alta terta parte, decat celor implicate in mod direct in furnizarea serviciilor specifice site-ului www.VINIETE.NET .

Mijloacele tehnice pe care furnizorul de servicii le pune la dispozitie destinatarului pentru identificarea si corectarea erorilor survenite cu ocazia introducerii datelor sunt: email [email protected]

Platforma nu este responsabila cu eventualele erori de scriere in cazul producerii acestora. Limba in care se poate incheia contractul este numai limba romana.

Termenii si conditiile prezentate sunt valabile si se aplica pentru toate website-urile pentru care UF International SRL are calitatea de autor / proprietar / administrator.

Contractele se supun reglementarilor emise de catre Statul Roman impreuna cu modificarile ulterioare. Termenii si conditiile de folosire se supun legislatiei romane. In caz de litigiu, se va incerca mai intai o rezolvare pe cale amiabila, in termen de 30 de zile lucratoare de la inregistrarea reclamatiei. In cazul in care nu se poate ajunge la o intelegere in termenul precizat anterior, solutionarea litigiului va fi considerat de competenta instantei judecatoresti.

Conditii de utilizare. Garantii.

Utilizatorul foloseste Site-ul pe riscul propriu, UF International SRL fiind libera de orice raspundere pentru eventualele daune, directe sau indirecte, cauzate de utilizarea sau accesarea/ vizitarea Site-ului sau ca urmare a utilizarii informatiilor de pe Site. UF International SRL nu este raspunzatoare de erorile sau omisiunile care pot interveni in redactarea sau prezentarea materialelor de pe Site.

Efectuarea de operatiuni neautorizate asupra acestui site si tentativa de efectuare a acestora (incluzand, fara a se limita la: utilizarea abuziva, utilizarea frauduloasa, accesul neautorizat, modificarea, copierea de informatii in vederea comercializarii lor, blocarea accesului etc.) vor fi pedepsite conform legii.

Primirea confirmării de plată din partea procesatorului de plăţi nu reprezintă o dovadă a emiterii Taxei de drum comandate. Înştiinţarea din partea procesatorului de plăţi potrivit căreia plata a fost procesată (confirmarea de plată) nu echivalează cu emiterea taxei de drum. Emiterea taxei de drum se va face abia ulterior primirii de către utilizator a confirmării.

În cazul în care Utilizatorul nu va primi mailul prin care va fi informat efectiv cu privire la emiterea taxei de drum , acesta trebuie să informeze Furnizorul prin e-mail: [email protected]

În cazul în care Utilizatorul nu va informa UF International SRL (WWW.VINIETE.NET) despre neprimirea e-mailului de emitere a taxei de drum, UF International SRL (WWW.VINIETE.NET) nu poate fi ținută răspunzătoare pentru eventuale consecințe ale utilizării rețelei de drumuri naționale din Europa fără deținerea taxei de drum, Utilizatorul fiind informat cu privire la obligația legală de a deține documentul copie-client, document care atestă emiterea taxei de drum.

Pentru comenzile achitate prin card bancar, Transfer Bancar emiterea si livrarea serviciilor de drum se va face doar dupa confirmarea procesatorului de plati online in legatura cu debitarea contului bancar al clientului.

In cazul in care pentru acest tip de comenzi plata nu se finalizeaza prin procesatorul de plati, ci se face transfer bancar in contul UF International SRL emiterea si livrarea serviciilor de drum se va face in functie de programul de lucru afisat pe website - de luni pana vineri in intervalul orar 08:00-17:00, cu exceptia sarbatorilor legale si doar dupa inregistrarea sumelor de bani in conturile UF International SRL. De asemenea, mentionam faptul ca legislatia in vigoare nu permite antedatarea serviciilor de drum.

Astfel, daca plata se face prin transfer bancar, in afara programului de lucru, va rugam sa tineti cont de urmatoarele aspecte:

1. Serviciile de drum pentru perioade de 30 zile, 90 zile si 12 luni, sau alte intervale care au ca data start valabilitate o zi anterioara, se vor emite automat in prima zi lucratoare ulterioara datei start valabilitate, cu data start egala cu data emiterii.

2. Serviciile de drum care au ca data start ziua in curs se vor emite automat in aceeasi zi, iar valabilitatea acestora va incepe din momentul emiterii.

3. Serviciile de drum care au ca data start o zi ulterioara se vor emite automat conform comenzii plasate.

Magazinul online VINIETE.NET declara pe propria raspundere ca produsele comercializate nu sunt contrafacute.

Securitatea datelor personale

Conform cerintelor Legii nr. 677/2001 pentru protectia persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date, modificata si completata, si ale Legii nr. 506/2004 privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si protectia vietii private in sectorul comunicatiilor electronice, avem obligatia de a administra in conditii de siguranta si numai pentru scopurile specificate, datele personale pe care ni le furnizezi despre tine. Informatiile din formularul de comanda vor fi folosite pentru a-ti trimite confirmarea comenzilor, informatii despre promotii etc. Ne obligam sa nu facem publice si sa nu vindem bazele de date continand informatii referitoare la datele personale ale clientilor nostri. Conform Legii nr. 677/2001, beneficiezi de dreptul de acces, de interventie asupra datelor, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale si dreptul de a te adresa justitiei. Totodata, ai dreptul sa te opui prelucrarii datelor personale care te privesc si sa soliciti stergerea datelor. Pentru exercitarea acestor drepturi, te poti adresa cu o cerere scrisa, datata si semnata catre ROADTAX.EU

Politica de confidentialitate

Respectam cu strictete confidentialitatea datelor clientilor si ne angajam sa le folosim exclusiv in scopul pentru care au fost introduse si pentru informari comerciale cu privire la acest magazin. Nu incurajam SPAM-ul, nu furnizam adresele de e-mail unor terti, nu comercializam, nu oferim, nu facem schimb de adrese de e-mail obtinute prin intermediul acestui site.

2. Definitii In acest contract, “VINIETE.NET” poate fi si UF International SRL in functie de context.

Denumirile “KESH.RO”, “KESH”, “UF INTERNATIONAL”, “ROADTAX” pot fi interpretate ca si “VINIETE.NET” sau detinatorul platformei VINIETE.NET in functie de contextual dat.

”vinieta” – Serviciu de drum si/sau Taxa de drum;

“Serviciul de drum” - E-mail personalizat care contine taxa de drum comandata;

„Abonat” – persoana fizica ce se aboneaza la Newsletter-ul oferit de VINIETE.NET, astfel cum acesta va fi definit mai jos;

„Carte Funciara” - Cartea funciara este un registru public si unic, care cuprinde evidenta imobilelor din Romania, proprietatea persoanelor fizice si juridice. Registrul este gestionat de stat prin Agentia Nationala de Cadastru si Publicitate Imobiliara (ANCPI);

„Client” – persoana fizica sau juridica ce obtine acces la Continut si Serviciul de pe Site, prin plasarea unei Comenzi;

„Comanda” - un document electronic ce intervine ca forma de comunicare intre Prestator si Cumparator, prin care Cumparatorul transmite Prestatorului, prin intermediul Site-ului, intentia sa ferma de a apela la serviciile oferite de UF International SRL in obtinerea documentului solicitat;

„Comunicari comerciale si de marketing” - Orice tip de mesaj trimis catre Utilizator (spre exemplu via e-mail/ SMS/ WhatsApp/ telefonic/ mobile push/ webpush etc.) continand informatii generale si tematice, informatii cu privire la servicii similare sau complementare cu cele pe care le-ati achizitionat/ vizualizat, informatii cu privire la oferte sau promotii, precum si alte comunicari comerciale, cum ar fi cercetari de piata si/ sau sondaje de opinie etc.;

„Consimtamant al persoanei vizate” - orice manifestare de vointa libera, specifica, informata si lipsita de ambiguitate a persoanei vizate prin care aceasta accepta, printr-o declaratie sau printr-o actiune fara echivoc, ca datele cu caracter personal care o privesc sa fie prelucrate;

„Continut” cuprinde urmatoarele elemente:

continutul oricarui buletin informativ sau al oricarui e-mail trimis Utilizatorilor de internet care interactioneaza cu Site-ul sau Clientilor de catre UF International SRL prin mijloace electronice si/ sau orice alt mijloc de comunicare disponibil, avand acordul valabil exprimat in prealabil de catre Utilizator/ Client in acest scop; date referitore la UF International SRL sau alte date privilegiate ale Societatii; informatii legate de Serviciile si/ sau preturile practicate de UF INTERNATIONAL SRL pe Site intr-o anumita perioada; orice informatie comunicata Utilizatorului sau Clientului prin orice mijloc de catre un angajat al UF INTERNATIONAL SRL , conform informatiilor de contact specificate sau nu de catre acest Utilizator/ Client; toate informatiile disponibile pe Site care pot fi vizitate, vizualizate sau altfel accesate prin utilizarea unui echipament numeric. „Contract la distanta” - potrivit definitiei cuprinse in OUG nr. 34/ 2014 privind drepturile consumatorilor in cadrul contractelor incheiate cu profesionistii, contractul la distanta reprezinta orice contract incheiat intre profesionist si consumator in cadrul unui sistem de vanzari sau de prestare de servicii la distanta organizat fara prezenta fizica simultana a profesionistului si a consumatorului, cu utilizarea exclusiva a unuia sau a mai multor mijloace de comunicare la distanta, pana la si inclusiv in momentul in care este incheiat contractul;

„Date cu caracter personal” - orice informatie privind o persoana fizica identificata sau identificabila (“persoana vizata”). Reprezinta date personale (enumerare neexhaustiva): numele si prenumele persoanei, adresa, adresa de e-mail, numarul de telefon etc.;

„Document” – prezenta versiune a Termenilor si conditiilor;

„Newsletter”- buletinul informativ sau mijlocul de informare periodica a Abonatului, exclusiv electronic, cu privire la serviciile si/ sau promotiile desfasurate pe Site intr-o anumita perioada, fara nici un angajament din partea VINIETE.NETcu referire la informatiile continute de acesta;

„OCPI” - Oficiul de Cadastru si Publicitate Imobiliara;

„Operator de date cu caracter personal” – inseamna persoana fizica sau juridica, autoritatea publica, agentia sau alt organism care, singur sau impreuna cu altele, stabileste scopurile si mijloacele de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personal. In ceea ce priveste Site-ul, operatorul de date este reprezentat de UF INTERNATIONAL SRL ;

„Prelucrare” - orice operatiune/ set de operatiuni efectuata/ e asupra datelor cu caracter personal (cu sau fara utilizarea de mijloace automatizate), respectiv: colectarea, inregistrarea, organizarea, structurarea, stocarea, adaptarea, modificarea, extragerea, consultarea, utilizarea, divulgarea, diseminarea, punerea la dispozitie, alinierea, combinarea, restrictionarea, stergerea, distrugerea etc.;

„Prestator” – detinatorul Site-ului VINIETE.NET;

„Serviciu / Serviciu digital” - serviciul de comert electronic condus exclusiv pe portiunile publice disponibile ale Site-ului, in sensul acordarii posibilitatii Utilizatorului/ Clientului sa contracteze Serviciile prezentate folosind mijloace exclusiv electronice; in concret, serviciul consta in obtinerea de la autoritatile/ institutiile competente si furnizarea, in urma plasarii comenzii de catre Client, a documentului solicitat;

„Site” – platforma online;

„Tranzactie”- incasarea unei sume rezultata din plata serviciului prezentat pe Site si ales de catre Client, prin transfer bancar, SMS sau utilizarea serviciilor procesatorului de carduri agreat de VINIETE.NET;

„Utilizator” – persoana care navigheaza pe Site sau interactioneaza, sub diverse forme, cu acesta (completare formulare, abonare la newsletter, plasarea unei comenzi etc.) si are acces la Continut.

„Integrare” – crearea unei legaturi intre Site sau Serviciile digitale si componentele mediului digital al Clientului si incorporarea acestora, in asa fel incat Serviciile sa poata fi utilizate in Conformitate cu prezentul contract.

„Conformitatea Continutul digital/ Serviciului digital”: furnizarea Serviciilor in Conformitate cu cerintele subiective si obiective de Conformitate stabilite de art. 6 si art. 17 din OUG 141/2021 privind anumite aspecte referitoare la contractele de furnizare de continut digital si de servicii digitale.

3. Dispozitii generale

Documentul stabileste termenii si conditiile de utilizare a Site-ului/ Continutului/ Serviciului de catre Client. Clientul este rugat sa parcurga cu atentie acest Document pentru a preintampina eventuale consecinte nedorite/ neplacute, ce pot fi apreciate de catre Client ca avand un impact negativ asupra activitatii sau datelor sale si/ sau informatiilor furnizate societatii UF INTERNATIONAL SRL .

3.1. Servicii

Accesul la Serviciu se face exclusiv prin intermediul Site-ului public disponibil Utilizatorului prin accesarea urmatorului link: VINIETE.NET.

Plasarea unei comenzi pe Site implica acordul explicit al Utilizatorului privind incheierea contractului de comision cu VINIETE.NET. Astfel, conform Legii Comertului Electronic nr. 365/2002, contractele incheiate prin mijloace electronice produc toate efectele pe care legea le recunoaste contractelor, atunci cand sunt intrunita conditiile cerute de lege pentru validitatea acestora. Pentru validitatea contractelor incheiate prin mijloace electronice, nu este necesar consimantamantul prealabil al partilor asupra utilizarii mijloacelor electronice.

Prin folosirea Site-ului, Clientul este singurul responsabil pentru toate activitatile care decurg din utilizarea acestuia. De asemenea, acesta raspunde pentru orice daune materiale, intelectuale, electronice sau de orice alta natura produse Site-ului, Continutului sau Serviciului pus la dispozitie de VINIETE.NET, in conformitate cu legislatia nationala in vigoare.

In cazul in care Utilizatorul sau Clientul nu este de acord cu prezentele Termeni si Conditii si/ sau nu accepta prezentul Document, acesta va avea urmatoarele posibilitati:

va trimite un e-mail pe adresa de corespondenta electronica: [email protected] va preciza motivele si/ sau solicitarile de operare a modificarilor dorite; daca nu va dori modificarea dispozitiilor prezentului Document, va renunta la accesul la Serviciu, precum si la orice alte servicii oferite de UF International SRL prin intermediul Site-ului precum: primirea de comunicari comerciale si de marketing din partea UF INTERNATIONAL SRL , transmise pe orice suport (electronic, telefonic etc.), fara nicio garantie ulterioara din partea UF INTERNATIONAL SRL . In acest context, Prestatorul va sterge toate datele care fac referire la Utilizator/ Client/ Abonat din baza sa de date, fara nicio obligatie ulterioara a vreunei parti fata de cealalta sau fara ca vreo parte sa poata sa pretinda celeilalte daune-interese. Clientul poate reveni in orice moment asupra deciziei sale de a nu fi de acord si/ sau a nu accepta prezentul Document.

Toate comenzile plasate pe Site-ul VINIETE.NET se supun contractului oficial legal de comision cu privire la obtinerea si furnizarea catre Client a documentelor emise.

3.2. Continutul / Drepturi de autor

UF International SRL (WWW.KESH.EU) beneficiaza de toate drepturile legale recunoscute autorilor, conform legislatiei romane si internationale.

Denumirea Site-ului si insemnele grafice ale acesteia sunt proprietatea VINIETE.NET sau dupa caz, Prestatorul detine un drept de utilizare asupra acestora, astfel ca aceste elemente nu pot fi preluate, copiate sau folosite fara acordul scris al proprietarului/ titularului lor.

Intreg Continutul prezentat sau afisat in cadrul Site-ului incluzand, dar nelimitandu-se la: text, grafica, fotografii, imagini, imagini in miscare, sunet si ilustratii etc. este proprietatea Prestatorului. Toate elementele ce descriu serviciile disponibile inclusiv, nelimitativ, design-ul general, modalitatea de prezentare etc., sunt protejate de copyright, drepturi de autor si alte normative in materia drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala. Utilizatorul/ Clientul nu poate modifica niciunul dintre materialele ante - mentionate si nu poate copia, distribui, transmite, afisa, efectua, reproduce, publica, licentia, crea opere derivate din acestea, transfera sau vinde informatii sau lucrari continute de Site-ul VINIETE.NET.

Cu exceptia actiunilor permise de legislatia aplicabila in materie de drepturi de autor, Utilizatorul este responsabil pentru obtinerea permisiunii inainte de a utiliza orice material protejat de drepturi de autor care este facut disponibil de catre VINIETE.NET.

Orice Continut la care Utilizatorul sau Clientul are si/ sau obtine acces prin orice mijloc se afla sub incidenta prezentului Document in cazul in care Continutul nu este insotit de un acord de utilizare specific si valid incheiat intre UF International SRL si Utilizator/ Client si fara nicio garantie implicit sau expres formulata din partea UF International SRL cu referire la acel Continut.

Comunicarile oricaror informatii sau date sub forma de mesaj, text, imagine, fisier audio si/ sau video sau orice alt tip de material, indiferent de modalitatea de publicare sau transmitere a acestora (public sau individual), de catre orice persoana fizica sau juridica, alta decat UF INTERNATIONAL SRL, se realizeaza pe raspunderea exclusiva a persoanei careia ii apartin aceste materiale, Prestatorul nefiind in niciun fel raspunzator de continutul sau modalitatea de publicare a acestor comunicari.

In cazul in care UF INTERNATIONAL SRL confera Utilizatorului sau Clientului dreptul de a utiliza, sub forma descrisa intr-un acord de utilizare distinct, un anumit Continut la care Utilizatorul are sau obtine acces in urma acestui acord, acest drept se extinde numai asupra acelui sau acelor Continuturi definite in acord, numai pe perioada existentei acestuia sau acestor Continuturi pe Site sau a perioadei definite in acord, conform conditiilor definite in acesta, in cazul in care acestea exista si nu reprezinta un angajament contractual din partea UF INTERNATIONAL SRL pentru respectivul Utilizator, Client sau oricare alt tert care are/ obtine acces la acest continut transferat, prin orice mijloc si care ar putea fi sau este prejudiciat in orice mod de pe urma acestui Continut, in timpul sau dupa expirarea acordului de utilizare.

Niciun Continut transmis catre Utilizator sau Client, prin orice mijloc de comunicare (electronic, telefonic etc.) sau dobandit de acesta prin accesare, vizitare si/ sau vizualizare nu constituie o obligatie contractuala din partea UF INTERNATIONAL SRL si/ sau a angajatului Prestatorului, care a mijlocit transferul de Continut, in cazul in care aceasta exista.

Orice utilizare a Continutului in alte scopuri decat cele permise expres prin Document sau prevazute intr-un acord distinct de utilizare, in cazul in care acesta exista, este interzisa.

Utilizatorul sau Clientul raspunde pentru orice daune intelectuale produse Site-ului, Continutului, sau oricarui tert/ partener cu care UF INTERNATIONAL SRL are incheiate contracte, in conformitate cu legislatia romana in vigoare.

Declaram pe propria raspundere ca intreg continutul de pe site-ul VINIETE.NET este original sau foloseste resurse (imagini de produs, specificatii, video, text etc.) cu acceptul sursei (ex.: producator, furnizor etc.), fara sa incalce legea copyright-ului. Raportarea cazurilor de incalcare a drepturilor de autor se va face in scris pe adresa de e-mail [email protected]

3.3. Newslettere

Toate cererile formulate pe site-ul WWW.VINIETE.NET vor include automat adresa dumneavoastra de e-mail in baza de date a newsletter-ului companiei. Pentru "Dezabonare" trebuie doar sa ne comunicati in scris acest lucru folosind adresa de e-mail: [email protected]

Nu trimitem mesaje comerciale nesolicitate (spam).

Primirea de Newslettere si alte alerte de acest gen presupune bifarea casutei corespunzatoare din cadrul formularului de pe Site. Astfel Utilizatorul devine Abonat si accepta in mod neconditionat, inclusiv prezentele Termenii si conditii, in cazul in care acesta nu si-a exprimat in prealabil acordul cu privire la primirea de astfel de comunicari printr-o alta modalitate.

Abonarea la Newsletter-ul oferit de VINIETE.NET se poate efectua numai daca Utilizatorul are varsta de 16 ani impliniti la momentul transmiterii intentiei de abonare.

Datele cu caracter personal folosite de VINIETE.NET pentru transmiterea de buletine informative vor fi utilizate de Prestator numai in scopurile descrise in Politica de confidentialitate si in conformitate cu dispozitiile acesteia, document disponibil pentru consultare pe Site.

Renuntarea la primirea Newsletter-ului de catre Abonat se poate efectua in orice moment, in mod facil, prin retragerea consimtamantului cu privire la prelucrarea datelor sale in scop de marketing si prin exprimarea intentiei de dezabonare, astfel:

folosind optiunea specifica de dezabonare din cadrul oricarui buletin informativ primit; prin contactarea Prestatorului via e-mail si transmiterea intentiei de dezabonare de la Newsletter si fara nicio obligatie reciproca ulterioara a vreunei parti sau fara ca vreo parte sa poata sa pretinda celeilalte daune-interese. Renuntarea la primirea Newsletter-ului nu implica renuntarea la acordul manifestat pentru prezentul Document, aceasta renuntare producand efecte doar pentru viitor, ulterior comunicarii intentiei de retragere a consimtamantului.

VINIETE.NET nu va fi tinuta de obligatia de a transmite Newsletter-ul Abonatului.

Prestatorul nu va include in buletinele sale informative transmise Abonatului niciun tip de material publicitar sub forma de continut care sa faca referire la un tert care nu este partener al VINIETE.NET.

3.4. Informatii privind Prestatorul

VINIETE.NET publica pe Site datele sale de identificare complete si corecte, astfel incat contactarea sa de catre Utilizator/ Client sa fie una facila.

Accesarea Site-ului, folosirea informatiilor prezentate in cadrul acestuia, vizitarea paginilor sau trimiterea de e-mail-uri sau notificari adresate Prestatorului se va putea realiza prin mijloace de comunicare electronice, telefonic, sau orice alt mod de comunicare disponibil partilor, considerandu-se, astfel, ca Utilizatorul/ Clientul consimte, la randul sau, la primirea notificarilor din partea VINIETE.NETin modalitate electronica si/ sau telefonica, incluzand si comunicari prin e-mail sau prin intermediul anunturilor publicate pe Site.

UF International SRL isi rezerva dreptul de a nu raspunde tuturor solicitarilor de orice natura, mai ales daca acestea sunt neintemeiate/ abuzive, primite prin orice mijloc de comunicare (electronic, telefonic etc.).

Clientul/ Utilizatorul declara expres ca datele de contact furnizate prin transmiterea acestora in momentul plasarii comenzii sau pe adresa de e-mail [email protected] ii apartin (spre exemplu: nume si prenume, adresa de e-mail, adresa, numarul de telefon etc.) si ca aceste date vor putea fi folosite de catre Prestator in comunicarile sale cu Clientul, in scopul onorarii comenzilor si al solutionarii oricaror inconventiente cu privire la acestea, dar si pentru furnizarea de informatii suplimentare, la solicitarea Clientului/ Utilizatorului.

3.5. Confidentialitatea datelor cu caracter personal

VINIETE.NET depune toate eforturile pentru a se asigura ca protejeaza si respecta confidentialitatea datelor cu caracter personal apartinand Utilizatorilor/ Clientilor/ Abonatilor sai, prin implementarea de masuri tehnice si organizatorice adecvate, in conformitate cu cerintele Regulamentului nr. 679/2016 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatie a acestor date si de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE (Regulamentul general privind protectia datelor) si ale Legii nr. 190/2018 privind punerea in aplicare a Regulamentul General privind Protectia Datelor si a bunelor practici in materie de prelucrare a datelor.

Informatiile furnizate de catre Utilizator/ Client/ Abonat vor fi stocate de catre VINIETE.NET in format electronic si nu vor fi furnizate catre nicio alta terta parte, decat cele implicate in mod direct in furnizarea serviciilor specifice Site-ului VINIETE.NET.

Pentru mai multe detalii privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal pe care Prestatorul o efectueaza in contextul navigarii pe Site sau interactiunii cu acesta, prin completarea formularelor, abonare la newsletter sau plasarea unei comenzi, persoana vizata va consulta Politica de confidentialitate afisata pe Site.

4. Politica de vanzare online

4.1. Accesul la Serviciu

Accesul la Serviciu este permis oricarui Client care inregistreaza o comanda pe Site-ul VINIETE.NET, fara ca acesta sa fie conditionat de crearea unui cont de utilizator.

Pentru a-i fi permis accesul la serviciu, Clientul va bifa, in sectiunea speciala, faptul ca accepta prevederile prezentului Document, respectiv ca ia la cunostinta despre Politica de Confidentialitate a Site-ului.

VINIETE.NET poate limita accesul Clientului la Serviciu, in functie de comportamentul sau anterior.

VINIETE.NET poate refuza o Comanda, situatie in care va transmite Clientului o notificare in acest sens, fara a exista obligatii intre parti si fara ca o parte sa poata pretinde daune-interese, pentru urmatoarele motive:

Esuarea/ invalidarea tranzactiei online; Neacceptarea de catre procesatorul de plati/ banca emitenta a cardului Clientului pentru efectuarea tranzactiei; Furnizarea de date incomplete sau incorecte de catre Client, necesare onorarii Comenzii; Activitatea Clientului poate produce prejudicii Site-ului VINIETE.NET; Clientul foloseste Serviciul intr-un mod neconform uzantelor si bunei-credinte sau isi exercita drepturile in scopul de a vatama sau pagubi Prestatorul intr-un mod excesiv si nerezonabil, contrar bunei-credinte; Existenta unor livrari consecutiv esuate din culpa Clientului.

4.2. Serviciu (Intermediere)

VINIETE.NET poate publica pe Site informatii despre servicii si/ sau promotii practicate de catre acesta intr-o anumita perioada de timp

VINIETE.NET poate limita capacitatea de achizitionare a unor Servicii disponibile pe Site la un moment dat, unuia sau mai multor Clienti.

Serviciile oferite de UF International SRL constau in furnizarea Clientului a EMAILURILOR solicitate prin comanda plasata. Astfel, Prestatorul reprezinta un intermediar in obtinerea documentelor solicitate de Client de la autoritatile sau institutiile publice, Clientul platind un comision denumit pret.

Ulterior completarii formularului de comanda si efectuarii platii aferente, UF International SRL va inainta solicitarea autoritatii sau institutiei competente cu emiterea documentelor, iar ulterior le va livra Clientului. Livrarea documentelor se va realiza prin transmiterea unui link de descarcare/Document PDF trimis de catre Prestator Clientului pe adresa de e-mail indicata sau printr-un mesaj pe aplicatia WhatsApp la numarul de telefon mentionat.

Toate preturile aferente Serviciilor de furnizare documente sunt prezentate pe Site si sunt exprimate RON

Pentru platile online cu cardul, Prestatorul nu este/ nu poate fi tinut raspunzator pentru niciun alt cost suplimentar suportat de Client, incluzand, dar nelimitandu-se la comisioane de conversie valutara aplicate de catre banca emitenta a cardului acestuia, in cazul in care moneda de emitere a acestuia difera de RON. Responsabilitatea pentru aceasta actiune apartine exclusiv Clientului.

Toate informatiile folosite pentru descrierea Serviciilor disponibile pe Site (texte/ imagini statice/ dinamice/ prezentari multimedia etc.) nu reprezinta o obligatie contractuala din partea UF International SRL, acestea fiind cu titlu de prezentare.

4.2.1 Contract de Intermediere

I. PARTILE CONTRACTULUI Societatea Comercială UF International SRL cu sediul social în Galati Str Zimbrului nr 7 înregistrată în Registrul comerţului de pe langa Tribunalul Galati sub nr. J17/1333/31.08.2023 , având codul fiscal nr. 48711580 în calitate de INTERMEDIAR (PRESTATOR) şi orice persoana care a plasat o comanda pe platforma VINIETE.NET acceptand astfel Termenii si Conditiile websiteului (BENEFICIAR). au convenit încheierea prezentului contract, cu următoarele clauze:

II. OBIECTUL CONTRACTULUI 1. Intermediarul se obliga sa identifice un partener pentru beneficiar si sa mijloceasca acceptarea ofertei ferme anexate. Această oferta consta in esenta in urmatoarele: Platirea si livrarea prin e-mail a taxelor/documentelor/serviciilor solicitate in comanda plasata pe platforma VINIETE.NET de catre BENEFICIAR. 2. Termenul pentru executarea prestatiei de catre intermediar este 14 zile lucratoare. Acest termen va putea fi prelungit prin act aditional.

III. OBLIGAŢIILE PĂRŢILOR A. OBLIGATIILE INTERMEDIARULUI 1. Sa identifice autoritatea competenta de la care serviciul/taxa/documentul poate fi obtinut/a. 2. Sa plateasca in numele BENEFICIARULUI serviciul/taxa/documentul solicitat. 3. Sa anunte BENEFICIARUL prin intermediul postei electronice cand actiunea de la pct. 2 a fost realizata. 4. Sa transmita BENEFICIARULUI prin intermediul postei electronice dovada platii serviciului/taxei/documentului solicitat.

Precizari: Intermediarul nu-şi asuma obligatia: a) sa modifice datele aferente servicului/taxei/documentului solicitat in cazul in care BENEFICIARUL a gresit in momentul completarii lor pe platforma VINIETE.NET, intermediarul va putea presta şi acest serviciu contra cost; b) sa garanteze executarea contractului imediat dupa plasarea comenzii; c) sa garanteze solvabilitatea acceptatului sau ofertantului.

B. OBLIGATIILE BENEFICIARULUI 1. Sa plateasca integral si imediat contravaloarea serviciului/taxei/documentului indicata in prezent pe platforma VINIETE.NET . 2. Sa anunte IMEDIAT intermediarul pe adresa de posta electronica [email protected] in cazul completarii gresit a formularului de pe platforma VINIETE.NET. 3. Sa nu solicite INTERMEDIARULUI anularea comenzii in cazul in care aceasta a fost deja onorata.

Prezentul contract se considera semnat electronic de catre ambele parti in momentul in care BENEFICIARUL a plasat o comanda prin intermediul platformei VINIETE.NET si a acceptat TERMENII SI CONDITIILE websiteului.

4.3. Comanda online

Pentru a plasa o comanda de Servicii prin intermediul Site-ului VINIETE.NET, Utilizatorul trebuie sa parcurga urmatorii pasi:

Utilizatorul va selecta tipul documentului/produsului/serviciului pe care doreste sa il achizitioneze. Utilizatorul va completa formularul de comanda. Prin finalizarea Comenzii, Clientul consimte ca toate datele furnizate de acesta, necesare desfasurarii serviciului oferit de VINIETE.NET, sunt corecte, complete si reale la data plasarii Comenzii. Utilizatorul va trebui sa bifeze campul prin care isi exprima acordul cu privire la dispozitiile prezentelor Termeni si conditii si de luarea la cunostinta a Politicii de Confidentialitate disponibila pe Site.

In situatia in care Utilizatorul greseste chiar si o cifra/ litera din datele furnizate in formularul de comanda, iar Prestatorul obtine documentul cu datele introduse in mod eronat, Utilizatorul este singurul responsabil de greseala sa. Pentru a obtine un nou document, va relua pasii pentru primirea unui nou document solicitat.

Prin plasarea unei comenzi, Clientul consimte ca VINIETE.NET sa il contacteze, in urmatoarele scopuri/ situatii, prin orice mijloc disponibil/ agreat de Prestator, astfel:

furnizarea de informatii suplimentare cu privire la Serviciile/ documentele comandate; solutionarea oricaror reclamatii/ sesizari cu privire la Serviciile/ documentele comandate. VINIETE.NET poate denunta automat Contractul de comision incheiat cu Clientul, respectiv de a anula comanda efectuata de catre Client, fara nicio obligatie ulterioara a vreunei parti fata de cealalta sau fara ca vreo parte sa poata sa pretinda celeilalte daune-interese, in urmatoarele cazuri:

activitatea Clientului pe Site poate si/ sau produce daune de orice natura de partea VINIETE.NET; fara nicio justificare. Din momentul in care plata este confirmata, raportul dintre Utilizator si Prestator devine Contract la Distanta, aplicandu-se, astfel, prevederile cuprinse in OUG nr. 34/2014 privind drepturile consumatorilor in cadrul contractelor incheiate cu profesionistii, precum si pentru modificarea si completarea unor acte normativela care se anexeaza, dar fara a se limita la, prezentele Termeni si conditii.

4.4. Livrarea documentelor

Utilizatorul poate plasa comenzi in orice zi si in orice interval orar, insa acestea vor fi onorate de catre Prestator doar in zilele lucratoare deoarece serviciul de obtinere al documentelor este strans legat de orarul de functionare al autoritatilor si institutiilor publice competente.

Prin finalizarea Comenzii, Clientul isi exprima acordul cu privire la primirea facturilor in format electronic prin intermediul postei electronice la adresa de e-mail mentionata in formularul de comanda si/ sau mesaj la numarul de telefon indicat via WhatsApp.

UF International SRL garanteaza faptul ca documentele furnizate Clientului sunt obtinute de la autoritatile competente sau furnizorii avizati si sunt originale. De asemenea, UF International SRL garanteaza ca datele continute in documentele furnizate NU vor fi in nicio modalitate alterate voluntar sau la cerere.

4.5. Pretul serviciilor

Toate preturile aferente Serviciilor oferite de UF International SRL sunt prezentate pe site si sunt exprimate in RON.

UF International SRL va putea modifica oricand preturile, ofertele etc., conform criteriilor si necesitatilor interne cu respectarea Comenzilor inregistrate si Contractelor deja incheiate. UF International SRL nu poate fi obligata in nicio situatie sa mentina un anume pret, cu exceptia produselor din comenzilor deja plasate.

Clientul poate plati prin transfer bancar sau online cu cardul bancar contravalorea Serviciilor comandate; autorizarea si remiterea Tranzactiilor de acceptare a cardului se realizeaza exclusiv prin intermediul procesatorului de plati Stripe prin solutia integrata. Stripe este furnizorul UF International SRL de solutie software prin care se faciliteaza comertul electronic, insemnand servicii de plata, administrare plati si protectie antifrauda. In cazul tranzactilior utilizate prin intermediul procesatorului de plati, Stripe percepe un comision aditional suportat in totalitate de Client.

Sunt acceptate toate tipurile de carduri emise de banci romanesti si straine sub siglele VISA si MasterCard, cu conditia ca bancile emitente sa le fi activat in prealabil pentru plata online.

UF International SRL nu solicita si nu stocheaza niciun fel de informatii referitoare la cardul sau cardurile bancare ale Clientului, acestea fiind procesate direct pe serverele furnizorului de servicii de plata online.

4.6. Valabilitatea ofertelor

UF International SRL isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica preturile practicate pentru Serviciile disponibile pe Site fara notificarea in prealabil a Utilizatorului sau Clientului in acest sens. Cu toate astea, pretul afisat pe site la momentul plasarii Comenzii nu se va modifica, acesta fiind unul ferm.

Pretul de achizitie al Serviciilor este cel afisat in momentul plasarii Comenzii.

Pretul de achizitie al Serviciilor promotionale este cel din momentului plasarii Comenzii, in limita perioadei promotionale indicate pe Site.

Pretul Serviciilor aferente unei Comenzi plasate nu se poate modifica la un moment ulterior inregistrarii acesteia.

Pretul Serviciilor dintr-un Contract deja onorat nu se poate modifica.

4.7. Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital

Prestatorul furnizeaza Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital fara intarzieri nejustificate dupa incheierea contractului. Prestatorul isi indeplineste obligatia de furnizare atunci cand, in functie de solicitarile Clientului.

Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital este in Conformitate cu contractul daca indeplineste urmatoarele cerinte, dupa caz: a) respecta descrierea, cantitatea si calitatea si alte caracteristici prevazute in contract; b) corespunde scopului special pentru care Clientul il solicita, pe care Clientul l-a adus la cunostinta Prestatorului cel tarziu in momentul incheierii contractului si pe care Prestatorul l-a acceptat; c) este furnizat impreuna cu toate instructiunile referitoare la procesul de obtinere a extrasului; d) este furnizat cu actualizari conform dispozitiilor contractului.

Prestatorul este obligat sa respecte si anumite cerinte obiective de Conformitate. Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital este in Conformitate daca: a) corespunde scopului la care Utilizatorul se asteapta, respectiv intrarea in posesia extrasului; b) respecta calitatile si caracteristicile de performanta, precum si timpul de trimitere a documentului.

Prestatorul asigura informarea Clientului cu privire la faptul ca ii sunt furnizate actualizari si ca acestea ii sunt furnizate efectiv, inclusiv actualizari de securitate, care sunt necesare pentru a mentine Conformitatea Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital.

Nu exista o Neconformitate, iar obligatia Prestatorului este indeplinita, atunci cand o anumita caracteristica a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital nu corespunde cerintelor obiective daca, la momentul incheierii contractului, Clientul a fost informat in mod explicit si intr-un limbaj clar care ii permite sa inteleaga consecintele respectivei neconformitati, iar Clientul a acceptat in mod expres si separat acest lucru la momentul incheierii contractului.

In cazul in care vor aparea modificari care ar putea schimba considerabil experienta Clientului, Prestatorul va anunta Clientul in prealabil, fara a solicita costuri suplimentare pentru aceasta. Din acel moment, daca modificarea ar putea avea un impact negativ asupra sa, Clientul va avea dreptul de a obtine incetarea contractului sau de a mentine Continutul sau Serviciul digital fara modificarea in cauza.

Prestatorul raspunde pentru orice nefurnizare a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital daca aceasta se face cu intarzieri nejustificate dupa incheierea contractului. Se considera furnizat Continutul sau Serviciul Site-ului cand devine disponibil sau accesibil pentru Utilizator.

Prestatorul raspunde pentru orice neconformitate care exista la momentul furnizarii si care este constatata in termen de cinci ani incepand cu data furnizarii.

Se considera ca fiind o neconformitate a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital orice neconformitate cauzata de Integrarea incorecta a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital in mediul digital al Utilizatorului, daca este indeplinita una din urmatoarele conditii: a) Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital a fost integrat de Prestator sau sub raspunderea acestuia; b) Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital a fost destinat sa fie integrat de Utilizator, iar integrarea incorecta s-a datorat unor deficiente in instructiunile de integrare furnizate de Prestator.

4.8. Incheierea contractului la distanta

Contractul la distanta este considerat incheiat de catre UF International SRL atunci cand plata comenzii plasate de catre Client este confirmata, in conformitate cu cerintele legale in materie.

Contractul este incheiat pe durata determinata. Acesta va fi considerat ca fiind incetat in momentul in care partile isi vor fi executat obligatiile reciproce in termenele si conditiile stabilite prin prezentul Document.

4.9. Politica de anulare

In cazul in care apar erori survenite cu ocazia introducerii datelor in campurile special destinate, Clientul trebuie sa transmita in cel mai scurt timp o solicitare de anulare catre adresa de e-mail [email protected]. Timpul de procesare al comenzii este de cateva secunde, iar din acest motiv, UF International SRL nu poate garanta, in toate cazurile, anularea unei comenzi plasate si, implicit, rambursarea sumei aferente pretului achitat.

Asa cum reiese din prevederile anterioare ale prezentului Document, UF International SRL va putea denunta unilateral si va anula automat comanda plasata de catre Client, fara nicio obligatie ulterioara a vreunei parti fata de cealalta sau fara ca vreo parte sa poata sa pretinda celeilalte daune-interese in urmatoarele cazuri:

esuarea/ invalidarea tranzactiei online; neacceptarea de catre banca emitenta/ procesatorul de plati a cardului Clientului pentru efectuarea tranzactiei; furnizarea de date incomplete sau incorecte de catre Client; activitatea Clientului poate produce daune Site-ului VINIETE.NET, societatii UF International SRL sau partenerilor acesteia, ori este susceptibila sa afecteze drepturile de proprietate intelectuala al caror titular este Societatea; clientul foloseste Serviciul intr-un mod neconform uzantelor si bunei - credinte sau isi exercita drepturile in scopul de a vatama sau pagubi Prestatorul ori intr-un mod excesiv si nerezonabil, contrar bunei - credinte; alte motive justificate. La orice Comanda plasata, Clientul este obligat sa verifice si sa accepte cadrul contractual descris in prezentul Document.

4.10. Stocarea datelor și fișierele

Fișierele asociate comenzii dumneavoastră (documente, rapoarte) sunt stocate în siguranță pe serverele noastre timp de maxim 40 de zile. După această perioadă acestea intră în procedura de ștergere. Anumite date ce țin de comanda dumneavoastră (nume, prenume, nume firma, data comenzii, factura aferenta serviciilor, detalii comandă) vor rămâne în continuare stocate conform legislației în vigoare.

5. Politica de retur

In calitate de Client al UF International SRL, Utilizatorul are dreptul de a fi informat cu privire la reglementarile aplicabile referitoare la incheierea contractelor la distanta intre profesionisti si consumatori in contextul in care apeleaza la serviciile oferite de Prestator.

Pentru a beneficia de serviciile listate pe Site-ul VINIETE.NET, Utilizatorii au obligatia de a completa formularul de comanda si de a efectua plata in mod corect, cu informatii veridice si actuale. UF International SRL nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru imposibilitatea prestarii efective sau necorespunzatoare a serviciului de furnizare, cauzata de completarea formularelor in mod eronat, incomplet sau cu informatii false.

Astfel, odata finalizata tranzactia in vederea obtinerii documentelor, plata aferenta acestui serviciu nu se mai poate returna, indiferent de imprejurari. Clientii sunt obligati sa verifice, inaintea finalizarii comenzii, corectitudinea datelor introduse in formularul de comanda pentru identificarea imobilului.

Cu exceptia cazurilor prevazute la art. 16 din Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 34/2014 privind drepturile consumatorului in cadrul contractelor incheiate cu profesionistii, precum si pentru modificarea sau completarea unor acte normative, Consumatorul beneficiaza de o perioada de 14 zile pentru a se retrage dintr-un contract la distanta sau dintr-un contract in afara spatiilor comerciale, fara a fi nevoit sa justifice decizia de retragere si fara a suporta alte costuri decat cele prevazute de dispozitiile acestui act normativ.

Cu toate acestea, avand in vedere natura serviciilor pe care UF International SRL le pune la dispozitia Utilizatorului prin intermediul platformei online VINIETE.NET, devin incidente prevederile art. 16 mai sus mentionat care detaliaza exceptiile de la dreptul de returnare a produselor.

Astfel, conform art. 16 din OUG nr. 34/2014, sunt exceptate de la dreptul de retragere prevazut la art. 9-15 (i.e. din acelasi act normativ), in ceea ce priveste contractele la distanta si contractele in afara spatiilor comerciale, urmatoarele:

contractele de prestari de servicii, dupa prestarea completa a serviciilor, daca executarea a inceput cu acordul prealabil expres al consumatorului si dupa ce acesta a confirmat ca a luat cunostinta de faptul ca isi va pierde dreptul la retragere dupa executarea completa a contractului de catre profesionist; furnizarea de produse sau servicii al caror pret depinde de fluctuatiile de pe piata financiara pe care profesionistul nu le poate controla si care pot avea loc pe parcursul perioadei de retragere; furnizarea de produse confectionate dupa specificatiile prezentate de consumator sau personalizate in mod clar; furnizarea de produse care sunt susceptibile a se deteriora sau a expira rapid; furnizarea de produse sigilate care nu pot fi returnate din motive de protectie a sanatatii sau din motive de igiena si care au fost desigilate de consumator; furnizarea de produse care sunt, dupa livrare, potrivit naturii acestora, inseparabil amestecate cu alte elemente; furnizarea de bauturi alcoolice al caror pret a fost convenit in momentul incheierii contractului de vanzare, a caror livrare nu poate fi efectuata inainte de 30 de zile si a caror valoare reala depinde de fluctuatiile de pe piata pe care profesionistul nu le poate controla; contractele in cazul carora consumatorul a solicitat in mod special profesionistului sa se deplaseze la domiciliul sau pentru a efectua lucrari urgente de reparatie sau de intretinere; furnizarea de inregistrari audio sau video sigilate sau de programe informatice sigilate care au fost desigilate dupa livrare; furnizarea de ziare, periodice si reviste, cu exceptia contractelor de abonament pentru furnizarea de astfel de publicatii; contractele incheiate in cadrul unei licitatii; prestarea de servicii de cazare, pentru alt scop decat cel rezidential, transport de marfuri, inchiriere de masini, catering sau serviciile privind activitatile de agrement, in cazul in care contractul prevede o data sau o perioada de executare specifica; furnizarea de continut digital care nu este livrat pe un suport material, daca prestarea a inceput cu acordul prealabil expres al consumatorului si dupa ce acesta a confirmat ca a luat cunostinta de faptul ca isi va pierde dreptul la retragere. Astfel, plata efectuata in scopul obtinerii serviciilor NU poate fi returnata si nu sunt necesare prevederi speciale privind garantia asupra serviciului pe care UF International SRL il pune la dispozitia Utilizatorului prin intermediul website-ului VINIETE.NET.

In cazul in care clientul plaseaza, din orice motiv, aceeasi comanda de mai multe ori pentru generarea aceluiasi tip de document, Clientul NU va primi rambursarea banilor pentru comenzile facute in plus.

6. Procedura exceptionala de rambursare a contravalorii serviciului

In cazul in care, fara culpa Prestatorului, sistemul UF International SRL este sistat sau nefunctional, Clientul are posibilitatea sa renunte la comanda inaintata, iar suma achitata va fi returnata integral.

UF International SRL se obliga sa informeze de indata Clientul cu privire la aparitia unor asemenea situatii si sa ii aduca la cunostinta posibilitatea de a renunta la comanda si implicit de a-i fi returnata plata efectuata.

In situatia descrisa mai sus, UF International SRL va rambursa integral contravaloarea sumei achitate pentru obtinerea documentelor/serviciilor, in termen de 1-30 de zile calculate de la momentul confirmarii platii, cu exceptia comisionului inregistrat de catre procesatorul de plati Stripe.

UF International SRL nu raspunde pentru eventualele prejudicii rezultate ca urmare a nefunctionarii siteurilor partenerilor nostrii, sistemului national de generare a extraselor, precum si pentru cele rezultand din imposibilitatea accesarii anumitor link-uri publicate pe Site sau transmise Clientului prin mijloace electronice de comunicare la distanta.

Orice rambursare pe care Administratorul o datoreaza Utilizatorului ca urmare a unei reduceri de pret sau a incetarii contractului este efectuata fara intarzieri nejustificate si, in orice caz, in termen de 14 zile de la data la care Administratorul este informat cu privire la decizia Utilizatorului de a invoca dreptul la reducerea pretului.

Prestatorul efectueaza rambursarea utilizand aceleasi mijloace de plata pe care le-a utilizat Utilizatorul pentru plata Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital, cu exceptia cazului in care Utilizatorul si-a dat acordul expres pentru utilizarea altor mijloace de plata si cu conditia ca rambursarea sa nu implice plata unor comisioane de catre Utilizator.

Prestatorul nu ii impune Utilizatorului niciun fel de comisioane legate de rambursare.

7. Limitarea de raspundere

UF International SRL nu poate fi tinuta responsabila in fata nici unei persoane fizice sau juridice care foloseste sau se bazeaza pe Continut.

Utilizatorul este singurul responsabil de corectitudinea informatiilor introduse in formularul de comanda (implicit, de facturare).

Prestatorul nu poate fi tinut responsabil pentru orice fel de prejudiciu (direct, indirect, accidental sau nu etc.) ce rezulta din folosirea sau din incapacitatea de folosire a informatiei de tip Continut prezentata sau nu pe Site sau pentru orice tip de erori sau omisiuni in prezentarea Continutului care pot conduce la orice fel de pierderi.

UF International SRL nu este raspunzator de inscrierile care nu sunt incarcate pe Site, incluzand, dar fara a se limita la probleme de ordin tehnic independente de vointa Prestatorului, pierderile, intarzierile sau orice alte situatii aparute la plasarea comenzii cauzate de furnizorii de servicii si/ sau de Internet, conexiunea la Internet a persoanei care doreste sa plaseze o comanda etc.

In cazul in care un Utilizator/ Client/ Abonat considera ca un Continut expediat prin orice mijloc de catre UF International SRL violeaza drepturile de copyright sau orice alte drepturi, acesta poate sa contacteze Prestatorul pentru detalii suplimentare, astfel incat UF International SRL sa remedieze eventualele incalcari.

Utilizatorul foloseste Site-ul asumandu-si propria responsabilitate, UF International SRL fiind libera de orice raspundere pentru daune directe sau indirecte cauzate de utilizarea/ accesarea/ vizitarea Site-ului sau ca urmare a folosirii informatiilor de pe Site.

UF International SRL nu raspunde pentru erorile sau omisiunile care pot interveni in redactarea sau prezentarea materialelor de pe site.

UF International SRL nu garanteaza Utilizatorului/ Clientului accesul pe Site sau la Serviciu si nu ii confera dreptul de a descarca sau de a modifica partial si/ sau integral Continutul, de a reproduce partial sau integral Continutul, de a copia, sau de a exploata orice Continut in orice alta maniera sau de a transfera vreunui tert orice Continut asupra caruia are si/ sau a obtinut acces, in baza unui acord de utilizare, fara acordul prealabil scris al Prestatorului.

UF International SRL nu raspunde de continutul, calitatea sau natura altor site-uri la care se ajunge prin legaturi din Continut, indiferent de natura acestor legaturi. Pentru respectivele site-uri, raspunderea o poarta, in mod integral, proprietarii acestora.

Prestatorul este exonerat de orice vina in cazul utilizarii Site-ului si/ sau al Continutului transmis catre Utilizator sau Client prin orice mijloc (electronic, telefonic etc.), prin intermediul Site-ului, e-mail-ului sau al unui angajat al UF International SRL, atunci cand aceasta utilizare a Continutului poate produce sau produce efectiv pagube de orice natura de partea Utilizatorului, Clientului si/sau oricarui tert implicat in acest transfer de Continut.

UF International SRL nu ofera niciun fel de garantii directe sau indirecte ca:

Serviciul va fi potrivit cerintelor Clientului; Serviciul va fi neintrerupt, sigur sau fara erori de orice tip; Serviciile obtinute in mod gratuit sau contra cost prin intermediul Site-ului vor corespunde cerintelor sau asteptarilor Clientului. UF International SRL nu poate fi tinuta responsabila in niciun fel in fata niciunui Client care utilizeaza Site-ul sau Continutul, altfel decat in limita articolelor ce constituie Termeni si Conditii.

UF International SRL declara pe propia raspundere faptul ca Serviciile listate pe VINIETE.NET nu sunt contrafacute. In cazul in care exista nemultumiri din partea Utilizatorului/ Clientului/ Abonatului, acesta poate o solicitare la adresa de e-mail [email protected].

Prestatorul raspunde pentru orice nefurnizare a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital daca aceasta se face cu intarzieri nejustificate dupa incheierea contractului. Se considera furnizat Continutul sau Serviciul Site-ului cand devine disponibil sau accesibil pentru Utilizator.

Prestatorul raspunde pentru orice neconformitate care exista la momentul furnizarii si care este constatata in termen de cinci ani incepand cu data furnizarii.

Se considera ca fiind o neconformitate a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital orice neconformitate cauzata de Integrarea incorecta a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital in mediul digital al Utilizatorului, daca este indeplinita una din urmatoarele conditii: a) Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital a fost integrat de Prestator sau sub raspunderea acestuia; b) Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital a fost destinat sa fie integrat de Utilizator, iar integrarea incorecta s-a datorat unor deficiente in instructiunile de integrare furnizate de Prestator.

7.1. Masuri corective in caz de nefurnizare/neconformitate

In cazul in care Prestatorul nu furnizeaza Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital in conformitate, Utilizatorul ii solicita Prestatorului sa furnizeze Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital.

In caz de neconformitate, Utilizatorul are dreptul la aducerea in conformitate a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital sau la o reducere proportionala a pretului.

Utilizatorul are dreptul la aducerea in conformitate a Serviciilor solicitate, cu exceptia cazului in care acest lucru ar fi imposibil sau ar impune Prestatorului costuri care ar fi disproportionate, luand in considerare toate circumstantele, inclusiv: a) valoarea Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital in cazul in care nu ar fi existat neconformitatea; b) gravitatea neconformitatii.

Prestatorul aduce Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital in conformitate intr-o perioada de timp rezonabila care nu poate depasi 15 zile calendaristice din momentul in care Prestatorul a fost informat de catre Utilizator cu privire la neconformitate si care este stabilit de comun acord, in scris, intre Prestator si Utilizator, fara costuri si fara vreun inconvenient semnificativ pentru Utilizator, tinand seama de natura Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital si de scopul pentru care Utilizatorul a solicitat Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital.

Utilizatorul are dreptul la reducerea proportionala a pretului, in cazul in care Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital este furnizat in schimbul platii unui pret in oricare dintre urmatoarele cazuri:

masura corectiva pentru aducerea in conformitate a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital este imposibila sau disproportionata; Prestatorul nu a adus in conformitate Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital; se constata o neconformitate, in pofida incercarii Adminstratorului de a aduce Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital in conformitate; neconformitatea este de o asemenea gravitate incat justifica o reducere imediata de pret; Prestatorul a declarat ca nu va aduce Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital in conformitate, ori acest lucru reiese clar din circumstantele cazului. Reducerea de pret este proportionala cu diminuarea valorii Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital furnizat Utilizatorului in comparatie cu valoarea pe care Continutul digital sau Serviciul digital ar avea-o daca ar fi in conformitate.

In caz de neconformitate, Utilizatorul are dreptul de a suspenda plata unei parti restante din pretul Continutului sau Serviciului digital sau a unei parti a acesteia pana la aducerea in conformitate de catre Prestator a Continutului digital sau a Serviciului digital, cu conditia ca plata suspendata sa nu fie aferenta unui Continut digital sau Serviciu digital deja furnizat de catre Prestator si care a fost conform.

8. Frauda si SPAM

UF International SRL nu solicita Clientilor/ Utilizatorilor/ Abonatilor sai, prin niciun mijloc de comunicare (e-mail/ telefonic/ SMS etc.), informatii referitoare la date confidentiale, conturi/ carduri bancare sau parole personale etc.

Clientul/ Utilizatorul isi asuma intreaga responsabilitate pentru divulgarea unui tert a datelor sale confidentiale.

UF International SRL nu va fi tinut raspunzator in situatia in care un Utilizator/ Client/ Abonat ar fi/ este prejudiciat sub orice forma de catre un tert care ar pretinde ca este/ ca reprezinta interesele UF International SRL.

Clientul sau Utilizatorul va informa UF International SRL asupra unor asemenea tentative de frauda, folosind datele de contact disponibile pe Site.

UF International SRL nu promoveaza SPAM-ul.

Comunicarile realizate de catre Prestator prin mijloace electronice de comunicare la distanta (i.e. e-mail, telefonic etc.) contin datele de identificare complete si conforme ale expeditorului sau legaturi catre acestea, la data transmiterii Continutului.

Urmatoarele scopuri atinse sau nu vor fi considerate tentativa de fraudare a Site-ului/ Continutului si/ sau a Societatii UF International SRL si se va pune in miscare cercetarea penala impotriva aceluia sau acelora care a(u) incercat sa sau a(u) atins acest(e) scop(uri):

de a accesa datele de orice tip ale altui Utilizator/ Client prin folosirea unui cont sau prin orice alta metoda; de a altera sau altfel modifica continutul Site-ului sau Continutul expediat prin orice metoda de catre UF International SRL catre Utilizator/ Client/ Abonat; de a afecta performantele serverului/ serverelor pe care ruleaza Site-ul; de a accesa sau a divulga oricarui tert care nu are autoritatea legala necesara, Continutul expediat prin orice mijloc de catre UF International SRL catre Utilizator/ Client atunci cand acesta nu este destinatarul legitim al Continutului.

9. Forta majora si cazul fortuit

Exceptand cazurile in care nu s-a prevazut in mod expres altfel, niciuna din partile unui contract incheiat, care este inca in derulare, nu va fi raspunzatoare pentru neexecutarea la termen si/ sau in mod corepunzator, total sau partial, a oricareia din obligatiile care ii incumba in baza Contractului, daca neexecutarea obligatiei respective a fost cauzata de un eveniment de forta majora.

Partea sau reprezentantul legal al partii care invoca evenimentul mai sus mentionat este obligat/ a sa aduca la cunostinta celeilalte parti, imediat si in mod complet, producerea acestuia si sa ia orice masuri care ii stau la dispozitie in vederea limitarii consecintelor respectivului eveniment.

Partea sau reprezentantul legal al partii care invoca evenimentul mai sus mentionat este exonerat/a de la aceasta obligatie numai in cazul in care evenimentul il/o impiedica sa o duca la bun sfarsit.

Daca in termen de 15 zile de la data producerii, respectivul eveniment nu inceteaza, fiecare parte va avea dreptul sa notifice celeilalte parti incetarea de plin drept a Contractului incheiat la distanta, fara ca vreuna dintre ele sa poata pretinde celeilalte alte daune-interese.

Partea care invoca evenimentul de forta majora trebuie sa faca dovada imposibilitatii executarii obligatiilor in termen de 30 zile de la data producerii acestuia.

10. Litigii

Prin folosirea/ vizitarea/ vizualizarea etc. a Site-ului si/ sau a oricarui Continut trimis de catre UF International SRL Utilizatorului/ Clientului prin accesare si/ sau expediere prin orice mijloc (electronic, telefonic etc.), acesta se declara de acord cel putin cu prezentele Termeni si conditii.

Prezentul Contract se considera incheiat in Romania si, in consecinta, este guvernat de dispozitiile legale aplicabile pe teritoriul Romaniei. Orice disputa cu referire la Document care ar putea sa apara intre Client si UF International SRL se va rezolva pe cale amiabila. Daca solutionarea amiabila a conflictului nu va fi posibila in termen de 30 de zile de la inregistrarea reclamatiei, acesta va fi solutionat de catre instanta competenta de la sediul UF International SRL.

Avand in vedere dispozitiile Regulamentului (UE) nr. 524/2013 privind solutionarea online a litigiilor in materie de consum si de modificare a Regulamentului (CE) nr. 2006/2004 si a Directivei 2009/22/CE, UF International SRL ofera Clientului posibilitatea de a opta pentru solutionarea pe cale extrajudiciara a eventualelor litigii, prin utilizarea platformei europene de solutionare online a litigiilor (platforma SOL), instrument digital creat de Comisia Europeana pentru a facilita solutionarea independenta, impartiala, transparenta, eficace, rapida si echitabila, pe cale extrajudiciara, a litigiilor care privesc obligatiile contractuale rezultate din contractele de vanzare sau de prestare de servicii online dintre un consumator care isi are resedinta in Uniune si un comerciant stabilit in Uniune.

UF International SRL nu raspunde de nicio pierdere, costuri, procese, pretentii, cheltuieli etc., in cazul in care acestea sunt cauzate direct de nerespectarea Termenilor si conditiilor.

Daca oricare dintre clauzele de mai sus va fi gasita nula sau invalida, indiferent de cauza, aceasta clauza nu va afecta valabilitatea celorlalte clauze ale prezentului Contract.

11. Solutionarea alternativa a litigiilor – SOL

In vederea solutionarii independente, impartiale, transparente, eficace, rapide si echitabile, pe cale extrajudiciara, a eventualelor litigii care privesc obligatiile contractuale rezultate din contractele de vanzare incheiate cu dumneavoastra in calitate de Consumator, prin intermediul site-ului VINIETE.NET, va informam de existenta si posibilitatea de a recurge la platforma europeana SOL (denumita in continuare „platforma SOL”).

Platforma SOL este un site internet interactiv, gratuit si disponibil online in toate limbile oficiale ale institutiilor Uniunii Europene, creat pentru consumatorii si comerciantii care doresc o solutionare pe cale extrajudiciara a litigiilor indicate in paragraful anterior.

Aveti posibilitatea de a accesa platforma SOL la urmatoarea adresa de internet: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=RO.

Adresa noastra de e-mail este urmatoarea: [email protected].

12. Clauze finale

UF International SRL isi rezerva dreptul de a efectua orice modificari ale prevederilor prezentului Document, precum si orice modificari ale Site-ului/ structurii acestuia/ Serviciului, inclusiv modificari ce ar putea afecta Site-ul si/ sau orice Continut, fara o notificare prealabila a Utilizatorului sau Clientului in acest sens.

Prestatorul nu va putea fi tinut responsabil pentru eventualele erori aparute pe Site din orice cauza, inclusiv din cauza unor modificari, setari etc., care nu sunt facute de catre administratorul Site-ului.

UF International SRL isi rezerva dreptul de a introduce bannere publicitare de orice natura si/ sau legaturi pe oricare pagina a Site-ului, cu respectarea legislatiei in vigoare.

In eventualitatea in care exista intrebari/ sugestii cu privire la UF International SRL, ne puteti contacta la adresa de corespondenta electronica: [email protected].

Termenii si conditiile prezente permit Clientului arhivarea si reproducerea acestora, Prestatorul asigurand o corecta si transparenta informare a Consumatorilor.

Prezentele Termenii si conditii sunt valabile pe platforma online VINIETE.NET detinuta de catre UF International SRL.

Acest document a fost redactat in conformitate cu legislatia aplicabila pe teritoriul Romaniei si reprezinta in totalitate acordul partilor.

Terms and conditions (Aceasta traducere are rol ajutator si a fost realizata prin intermediul websiteului https://translate.google.ro/ . UF International SRL nu este responsabila pentru eventualele greseli de ortografie/exprimare) 1. General Provisions These Terms and Conditions apply to the sale of products through the VINIETE.NET platform as well as the people who use the VINIETE.NET platform.

Please read carefully the terms and conditions of use of this website presented below. Your access/visit to this site is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use, implies your explicit acceptance of them and represents the entire agreement (contract) between the parties.

Browsing the VINIETE.NET website, followed by placing an Order, is equivalent to reading, understanding and fully accepting the Terms by any Client of the Provider, having the capacity of User/Buyer/Consumer. The issued invoices can be certified by electronic signature (according to the provisions of Law no. 455/2001). Buyers from other countries and/or delivery to other countries are also accepted.

The relationship between the parties is governed by the following normative acts:

OG no. 21/1992 on consumer protection; GEO no. 34/2014 regarding the rights of consumers in contracts concluded with professionals; Law no. 363/2007 on combating unfair practices of traders in relation to consumers and harmonizing regulations with European legislation on consumer protection; Law 365/2002 on electronic commerce. GEO 141/2021 regarding certain aspects related to contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services.

UF International SRL reserves the right to make changes in the content of this website, as well as in these Terms and Conditions, without any prior notification to the Consumers. In case of divergence or misunderstandings between the Provider and the Client, the Terms and Conditions valid at the time of placing the Order will apply.

The presented tariff consists of: - The price of the Road Tax (Road Tax) - Other fees related to the service offered by UF International SRL (Ex: Commissions, VAT, VAT, fees related to the payment processor or others)

The invoice is issued automatically by our system. In case you did not receive it due to an error, please report it to [email protected].

Careful! In some cases, orders placed outside the time interval 08:00-22:00, will be delayed by one day and will be honored during the schedule.


According to the Electronic Commerce Law (Law 365/2002 as amended by Law 121/2006) - "Art. 7: Validity, legal effects and proof of contracts concluded by electronic means

(1) Contracts concluded by electronic means produce all the effects that the law recognizes for contracts, when the conditions required by law for their validity are met.

(2) For the validity of contracts concluded by electronic means, the prior consent of the parties on the use of electronic means is not necessary.

(3) Evidence of the conclusion of contracts by electronic means and of the obligations resulting from these contracts is subject to the provisions of the common law in matters of evidence and the provisions of Law no. 455/2001 regarding the electronic signature. "

With the exception mentioned by art. 16 of GEO no. 34/2014, regarding the rights of consumers in contracts concluded with professionals, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts, road services (taxes for the use of the road infrastructure in Romania) cannot be returned and special provisions regarding the guarantee and the service applied to the product/service:

" Art. 16 - Exceptions to the right of withdrawal - The following are exempted from the right of withdrawal provided for in art. 9-15 regarding distance contracts and contracts outside commercial premises: .....

c) supply of products made according to the specifications presented by the consumer or clearly personalized."

The information provided by the Users will be stored by UF International SRL in electronic format and will not be delivered to any other third party, except those directly involved in providing the specific services of the www.VINIETE.NET website.

The technical means that the service provider makes available to the recipient for identifying and correcting errors that occur when entering data are: email [email protected]

The platform is not responsible for possible writing errors in case of their production. The language in which the contract can be concluded is only Romanian.

The presented terms and conditions are valid and apply to all websites for which UF International SRL is the author / owner / administrator.

The contracts are subject to the regulations issued by the Romanian State together with subsequent modifications. The terms and conditions of use are subject to Romanian legislation. In case of litigation, an amicable solution will be tried first, within 30 working days from the registration of the complaint. If an agreement cannot be reached within the previously specified term, the resolution of the dispute will be considered the jurisdiction of the court.

Usage conditions. Guarantees.

The user uses the Site at his own risk, UF International SRL being free from any liability for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by using or accessing/visiting the Site or as a result of using the information on the Site. UF International SRL is not responsible for errors or omissions that may occur in the drafting or presentation of materials on the Site.

Carrying out unauthorized operations on this site and attempting to carry them out (including, but not limited to: abusive use, fraudulent use, unauthorized access, modification, copying of information for the purpose of selling it, blocking access, etc.) will be punished according to laws.

Receipt of payment confirmation from the payment processor does not constitute proof of issuance of the ordered Toll. Notification from the payment processor that the payment has been processed (payment confirmation) does not equate to the issuance of the toll. The toll will be issued only after the user receives the confirmation.

In the event that the User will not receive the e-mail by which he will be effectively informed about the issuance of the road tax, he must inform the Provider by e-mail: [email protected]

In case the User does not inform UF International SRL (WWW.VINIETE.NET) about not receiving the e-mail issuing the road tax, UF International SRL (WWW.VINIETE.NET) cannot be held responsible for any consequences of the use the national road network in Europe without holding the road tax, the User being informed of the legal obligation to hold the copy-customer document, document that certifies the issuance of the road tax.

For orders paid by bank card, Bank Transfer, the issuance and delivery of road services will be made only after the confirmation of the online payment processor in connection with the debiting of the client's bank account.

If for this type of order the payment is not completed through the payment processor, but a bank transfer is made to the UF International SRL account, the issuance and delivery of road services will be made according to the work schedule displayed on the website - from Monday to on Fridays between 08:00-17:00, with the exception of legal holidays and only after the registration of the sums of money in the accounts of UF International SRL. Also, we mention the fact that the legislation in force does not allow the backdating of road services.

Thus, if the payment is made by bank transfer, outside of working hours, please take into account the following aspects:

1. Road services for periods of 30 days, 90 days and 12 months, or other intervals that have a previous validity start date, will be issued automatically on the first working day after the validity start date, with a start date equal to the date of issue .

2. The road services whose start date is the current day will be automatically issued on the same day, and their validity will start from the moment of issue.

3. Road services that start on a later day will be issued automatically according to the order placed.

The VINIETE.NET online store declares on its own responsibility that the products sold are not counterfeit.

Security of personal data

According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, amended and supplemented, and of Law no. 506/2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of private life in the electronic communications sector, we have the obligation to administer in safe conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that you provide us about yourself. The information in the order form will be used to send you order confirmation, information about promotions, etc. We undertake not to make public and not to sell the databases containing information about the personal data of our clients. According to Law no. 677/2001, you benefit from the right of access, intervention on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to go to court. At the same time, you have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of the data. To exercise these rights, you can send a written, dated and signed request to ROADTAX.EU

Privacy policy

We strictly respect the confidentiality of customer data and undertake to use them exclusively for the purpose for which they were entered and for commercial information regarding this store. We do not encourage SPAM, we do not provide e-mail addresses to third parties, we do not sell, we do not offer, we do not exchange e-mail addresses obtained through this site.

2. Definitions In this contract, "VINIETE.NET" can also be UF International SRL depending on the context.

"vignette" - Road Service and/or Road Tax;

"Toll service" - Personalized e-mail containing the ordered toll;

"Subscriber" - natural person who subscribes to the Newsletter offered by VINIETE.NET, as it will be defined below;

"Land Register" - The land register is a public and unique register, which includes records of real estate in Romania, the property of natural and legal persons. The register is managed by the state through the National Agency for Real Estate Cadastre and Publicity (ANCPI);

"Client" - natural or legal person who obtains access to the Content and Service on the Website, by placing an Order;

"Order" - an electronic document that acts as a form of communication between the Provider and the Buyer, through which the Buyer transmits to the Provider, through the Website, his firm intention to use the services offered by UF International SRL to obtain the requested document;

"Commercial and marketing communications" - Any type of message sent to the User (for example via e-mail/ SMS/ WhatsApp/ telephone/ mobile push/ webpush etc.) containing general and thematic information, information on similar or complementary services with those you have purchased/viewed, information regarding offers or promotions, as well as other commercial communications, such as market research and/or opinion polls, etc.;

"Consent of the data subject" - any manifestation of the free, specific, informed and unambiguous will of the data subject by which he accepts, through a declaration or an unequivocal action, that the personal data concerning him will be processed;

"Content" includes the following elements:

the content of any newsletter or any e-mail sent to Internet Users who interact with the Site or Customers by UF International SRL by electronic means and/or any other means of communication available, with the prior valid consent expressed by the User/ Customer for this purpose; data related to UF International SRL or other privileged data of the Company; information related to the Services and/or prices charged by UF INTERNATIONAL SRL on the Site in a certain period; any information communicated to the User or Client by any means by an employee of UF INTERNATIONAL SRL, according to the contact information specified or not by this User/Client; all information available on the Site that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed using a digital device. "Distance contract" - according to the definition contained in GEO no. 34/2014 regarding consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals, the distance contract represents any contract concluded between a professional and a consumer within a distance sales or service provision system organized without the simultaneous physical presence of the professional and the consumer, with the use exclusive use of one or more means of remote communication, up to and including the moment the contract is concluded;

"Personal data" - any information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"). Represents personal data (non-exhaustive list): name and surname of the person, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.;

"Document" - this version of the Terms and Conditions;

"Newsletter" - the newsletter or periodic means of informing the Subscriber, exclusively electronic, regarding the services and/or promotions carried out on the Site in a certain period, without any commitment on the part of VINIETE.NET with reference to the information contained therein;

"OCPI" - Office of Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising;

"Personal data operator" - means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that, alone or together with others, establishes the purposes and means of personal data processing. Regarding the Website, the data operator is represented by UF INTERNATIONAL SRL;

"Processing" - any operation/set of operations performed on personal data (with or without the use of automated means), respectively: collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, disclosure, dissemination, provision, alignment, combination, restriction, deletion, destruction, etc.;

"Provider" - the owner of the VINIETE.NET Website;

"Service / Digital Service" - the e-commerce service conducted exclusively on the available public portions of the Site, in the sense of granting the User/Client the possibility to contract the Services presented using exclusively electronic means; concretely, the service consists in obtaining from the competent authorities/institutions and providing, following the placing of the order by the Client, the requested document;

"Site" – the online platform;

"Transaction" - the collection of an amount resulting from the payment of the service presented on the Site and chosen by the Client, by bank transfer, SMS or using the services of the card processor approved by VINIETE.NET;

"User" - the person who navigates the Site or interacts, in various ways, with it (filling in forms, subscribing to the newsletter, placing an order, etc.) and has access to the Content.

"Integration" - creating a link between the Site or the Digital Services and the components of the Client's digital environment and incorporating them, so that the Services can be used in accordance with this contract.

"Compliance with the digital content/digital service": the provision of Services in accordance with the subjective and objective requirements of Compliance established by art. 6 and art. 17 of GEO 141/2021 regarding certain aspects related to contracts for the provision of digital content and digital services.

3. General provisions

The document establishes the terms and conditions of use of the Site/Content/Service by the Client. The Client is asked to read this Document carefully in order to prevent any unwanted/unpleasant consequences, which may be assessed by the Client as having a negative impact on his activity or data and/or the information provided to UF INTERNATIONAL SRL.

3.1. Services

Access to the Service is made exclusively through the public Website available to the User by accessing the following link: VINIETE.NET.

Placing an order on the Site implies the explicit agreement of the User regarding the conclusion of the commission contract with VINIETE.NET. Thus, according to the Electronic Commerce Law no. 365/2002, contracts concluded by electronic means produce all the effects that the law recognizes for contracts, when the conditions required by law for their validity are met. For the validity of contracts concluded by electronic means, the prior consent of the parties on the use of electronic means is not necessary.

By using the Site, the Client is solely responsible for all activities arising from its use. Also, he is responsible for any material, intellectual, electronic or any other kind of damage caused to the Site, the Content or the Service made available by VINIETE.NET, in accordance with the national legislation in force.

If the User or Client does not agree with these Terms and Conditions and/or does not accept this Document, he/she will have the following options:

send an e-mail to the e-mail address: [email protected] specifying the reasons and/or requests for the operation of the desired changes; if you do not want to modify the provisions of this Document, you will give up access to the Service, as well as to any other services offered by UF International SRL through the Site, such as: receiving commercial and marketing communications from UF INTERNATIONAL SRL, sent on any support (electronic, telephone, etc.), without any subsequent guarantee from UF INTERNATIONAL SRL. In this context, the Provider will delete all data referring to the User/Client/Subscriber from its database, without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other party. The client can at any time revert to his decision not to agree and/or not to accept this Document.

All orders placed on the VINIETE.NET Website are subject to the official legal commission contract regarding obtaining and providing the issued documents to the Client.

3.2. Content / Copyright

UF International SRL (WWW.KESH.EU) benefits from all legal rights recognized by authors, according to Romanian and international legislation.

The name of the Website and its graphic signs are the property of VINIETE.NET or, as the case may be, the Provider has a right to use them, so these elements cannot be taken over, copied or used without the written consent of their owner/holder.

The entire Content presented or displayed within the Site including, but not limited to: text, graphics, photos, images, moving images, sound and illustrations, etc. is the property of the Provider. All the elements that describe the available services including, without limitation, the general design, the way of presentation, etc., are protected by copyright, author's rights and other regulations in the matter of intellectual property rights. The User/Client may not modify any of the aforementioned materials and may not copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create works derived from them, transfer or sell information or works contained on the KESH Website. RO.

With the exception of actions permitted by applicable copyright law, the User is responsible for obtaining permission before using any copyrighted material made available by VINIETE.NET.

Any Content to which the User or Client has and/or obtains access by any means is subject to this Document if the Content is not accompanied by a specific and valid user agreement concluded between UF International SRL and the User/Client and without any implicit or express guarantee from UF International SRL with reference to that Content.

The communication of any information or data in the form of a message, text, image, audio and/or video file or any other type of material, regardless of the method of publication or transmission thereof (public or individual), by any natural or legal person, other than UF INTERNATIONAL SRL, is carried out under the sole responsibility of the person to whom these materials belong, the Provider not being in any way responsible for the content or the method of publication of these communications.

If UF INTERNATIONAL SRL grants the User or the Client the right to use, in the form described in a separate user agreement, a certain Content to which the User has or obtains access following this agreement, this right extends only to that or those Contents defined in the agreement, only during the existence of it or these Contents on the Site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the conditions defined therein, if they exist and do not represent a contractual commitment from UF INTERNATIONAL SRL for the respective User, Client or any other third party who has/obtains access to this transferred content, by any means and who could be or is harmed in any way by this Content, during or after the expiration of the user agreement.

No Content transmitted to the User or Client, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by him by accessing, visiting and/or viewing does not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of UF INTERNATIONAL SRL and/or the Provider's employee, which mediated the transfer of Content, if it exists.

Any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by the Document or stipulated in a separate usage agreement, if it exists, is prohibited.

The User or the Client is liable for any intellectual damages caused to the Site, the Content, or any third party/partner with whom UF INTERNATIONAL SRL has concluded contracts, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.

We declare on our own responsibility that all the content on the VINIETE.NET website is original or uses resources (product images, specifications, video, text, etc.) with the consent of the source (eg: producer, supplier, etc.), without violating copyright law. Reporting cases of copyright infringement will be done in writing to the e-mail address [email protected]

3.3. Newsletters

All requests made on the WWW.VINIETE.NET website will automatically include your e-mail address in the database of the company's newsletter. To "Unsubscribe" you only need to notify us in writing using the e-mail address: [email protected]

We do not send unsolicited commercial messages (spam).

Receiving Newsletters and other alerts of this kind requires ticking the corresponding box in the form on the Site. Thus, the User becomes a Subscriber and unconditionally accepts, including these Terms and Conditions, if he has not previously expressed his agreement regarding the receipt of such communications through another method.

The subscription to the Newsletter offered by VINIETE.NET can only be carried out if the User is 16 years old at the time of sending the intention to subscribe.

The personal data used by VINIETE.NET for the transmission of newsletters will be used by the Provider only for the purposes described in the Privacy Policy and in accordance with its provisions, a document available for consultation on the Site.

Renunciation of receiving the Newsletter by the Subscriber can be done at any time, in an easy way, by withdrawing the consent regarding the processing of his data for marketing purposes and by expressing the intention to unsubscribe, as follows:

using the specific unsubscribe option within any newsletter received; by contacting the Provider via e-mail and sending the intention to unsubscribe from the Newsletter and without any subsequent mutual obligation of any party or without any party being able to claim damages to the other. The renunciation of receiving the Newsletter does not imply the renunciation of the consent expressed for this Document, this renunciation producing effects only for the future, after the communication of the intention to withdraw the consent.

VINIETE.NET will not be obliged to send the Newsletter to the Subscriber.

The Provider will not include in its newsletters sent to the Subscriber any type of advertising material in the form of content that refers to a third party that is not a partner of VINIETE.NET.

3.4. Information regarding the Provider

VINIETE.NET publishes its complete and correct identification data on the Site, so that contacting it by the User/Client is easy.

Accessing the Website, using the information presented within it, visiting the pages or sending e-mails or notifications addressed to the Provider may be done by means of electronic communication, by telephone, or any other means of communication available to the parties, considering , so that the User/Client consents, in turn, to receiving notifications from VINIETE.NET in electronic and/or telephone manner, including communications by e-mail or through announcements published on the Site.

UF International SRL reserves the right not to respond to all requests of any nature, especially if they are unfounded/abusive, received by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.).

The Client/User expressly declares that the contact data provided by sending them at the time of placing the order or to the e-mail address [email protected] belong to him (for example: first and last name, e-mail address, address, telephone number etc.) and that these data will be able to be used by the Provider in its communications with the Client, for the purpose of honoring the orders and solving any inconveniences regarding them, but also for the provision of additional information, at the request of the Client/User.

3.5. Confidentiality of personal data

VINIETE.NET makes every effort to ensure that it protects and respects the confidentiality of personal data belonging to its Users/Clients/Subscribers, by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation no. 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free circulation of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/CE (General Data Protection Regulation) and Law no. 190/2018 regarding the implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection and good practices in data processing.

The information provided by the User/Client/Subscriber will be stored by VINIETE.NET in electronic format and will not be provided to any other third party, except those directly involved in the provision of services specific to the VINIETE.NET Website.

For more details on the processing of personal data that the Provider carries out in the context of browsing the Site or interacting with it, by filling in forms, subscribing to the newsletter or placing an order, the data subject will consult the Privacy Policy displayed on the Site.

4. Online sales policy

4.1. Access to the Service

Access to the Service is allowed to any Customer who registers an order on the VINIETE.NET Website, without this being conditioned by the creation of a user account.

In order to be allowed access to the service, the Client will tick, in the special section, the fact that he accepts the provisions of this Document, respectively that he is aware of the Privacy Policy of the Site.

VINIETE.NET can limit the Customer's access to the Service, depending on his previous behavior.

VINIETE.NET can refuse an Order, in which case it will send the Customer a notification in this regard, without any obligations between the parties and without a party being able to claim damages, for the following reasons:

Failure/invalidation of the online transaction; Non-acceptance by the payment processor/issuing bank of the Customer's card for carrying out the transaction; Provision of incomplete or incorrect data by the Customer, necessary for the payment of the Order; The Client's activity may cause damage to the VINIETE.NET Website; The Customer uses the Service in a way that is not in accordance with customs and good faith or exercises his rights in order to harm or damage the Provider in an excessive and unreasonable way, contrary to good faith; The existence of consecutive failed deliveries due to the Customer's fault.

4.2. Service (Intermediation)

VINIETE.NET can publish on the Site information about services and/or promotions practiced by it in a certain period of time

VINIETE.NET can limit the ability to purchase some Services available on the Site at a given time, to one or more Customers.

The services offered by UF International SRL consist in providing the Client with the EMAILS requested by the placed order. Thus, the Provider represents an intermediary in obtaining the documents requested by the Client from public authorities or institutions, the Client paying a commission called price.

After completing the order form and making the related payment, UF International SRL will submit the request to the competent authority or institution to issue the documents, and then deliver them to the Client. The documents will be delivered by sending a download link/PDF Document sent by the Service Provider to the Client to the indicated e-mail address or by sending a message on the WhatsApp application to the mentioned phone number.

All prices related to document provision services are presented on the Site and are expressed in RON

For online payments with the card, the Provider is not/cannot be held responsible for any other additional costs incurred by the Customer, including but not limited to currency conversion fees applied by the card issuing bank, if the currency of its issuance differs from RON. The responsibility for this action belongs exclusively to the Client.

All the information used to describe the Services available on the Site (texts/static/dynamic images/multimedia presentations, etc.) do not represent a contractual obligation on the part of UF International SRL, they are for the purpose of presentation.

4.2.1 Intermediation Agreement I. PARTIES OF THE CONTRACT Societatea Comercială UF International SRL with registered office in Galati Str Zimbrului no. 7 registered in the Trade Register next to the Galati Court under no. J17/1333/31.08.2023, having fiscal code no. 48711580 as an INTERMEDIARY (PROVIDER) and any person who placed an order on the VINIETE.NET platform thus accepting the Terms and Conditions of the website (BENEFICIARY). have agreed to conclude this contract, with the following clauses:

II. SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1. The intermediary undertakes to identify a partner for the beneficiary and mediate the acceptance of the attached firm offer. This offer essentially consists of the following: Payment and delivery by e-mail of the fees/documents/services requested in the order placed on the VINIETE.NET platform by the BENEFICIARY. 2. The term for the execution of the service by the intermediary is 14 working days. This term may be extended by additional act.

III. OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES A. OBLIGATIONS OF THE INTERMEDIARY 1. To identify the competent authority from which the service/fee/document can be obtained. 2. To pay on behalf of the BENEFICIARY the requested service/fee/document. 3. To notify the BENEFICIARY via e-mail when the action from point 2 has been carried out. 4. To send to the BENEFICIARY via e-mail proof of payment of the requested service/fee/document. Specifications: The intermediary does not assume the obligation: a) to modify the data related to the requested service/fee/document if the BENEFICIARY made a mistake when completing them on the VINIETE.NET platform, the intermediary will also be able to provide this service for a fee; b) to guarantee the execution of the contract immediately after placing the order; c) to guarantee the solvency of the accepted or the offeror.

B. OBLIGATIONS OF THE BENEFICIARY 1. To pay in full and immediately the value of the service/tax/document currently indicated on the VINIETE.NET platform. 2. To notify the intermediary IMMEDIATELY at the e-mail address [email protected] in case of incorrect completion of the form on the VINIETE.NET platform. 3. Not to ask the INTERMEDIARY to cancel the order if it has already been fulfilled.

This contract is considered to be signed electronically by both parties when the BENEFICIARY placed an order through the VINIETE.NET platform and accepted the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the website.

4.3. Online order

To place an order for Services through the VINIETE.NET Website, the User must complete the following steps:

The user will select the type of document/product/service he wishes to purchase. The user will fill in the order form. By completing the Order, the Customer agrees that all the data provided by him, necessary for the performance of the service offered by VINIETE.NET, are correct, complete and real on the date of placing the Order. The user will have to check the box expressing his agreement with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy available on the Site.

In the event that the User mistakes even one number/letter in the data provided in the order form, and the Provider obtains the document with the data entered erroneously, the User is solely responsible for his mistake. To obtain a new document, you will repeat the steps for receiving a new requested document.

By placing an order, the Customer consents to VINIETE.NET contacting him, for the following purposes/situations, by any means available/agreed by the Provider, as follows:

providing additional information regarding the Services/documents ordered; resolving any complaints/reports regarding the Services/documents ordered. VINIETE.NET can automatically terminate the commission contract concluded with the Client, respectively to cancel the order made by the Client, without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages to the other, in the following cases :

the Client's activity on the Site may and/or cause damage of any kind on the part of VINIETE.NET; without any justification. From the moment the payment is confirmed, the relationship between the User and the Provider becomes a Distance Contract, thus applying the provisions contained in GEO no. 34/2014 regarding the rights of consumers within the contracts concluded with professionals, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts which are attached to, but not limited to, these Terms and Conditions.

4.4. Delivery of documents

The user can place orders on any day and in any time interval, but they will be honored by the Provider only on working days because the document obtaining service is closely related to the working hours of the competent authorities and public institutions.

By completing the Order, the Customer expresses his agreement regarding the receipt of invoices in electronic format via electronic mail to the e-mail address mentioned in the order form and/or message to the phone number indicated via WhatsApp.

UF International SRL guarantees that the documents provided to the Client are obtained from the competent authorities or approved suppliers and are original. Also, UF International SRL guarantees that the data contained in the provided documents will NOT be altered in any way voluntarily or upon request.

4.5. The price of services

All prices related to the Services offered by UF International SRL are presented on the website and are expressed in RON.

UF International SRL will be able to modify the prices, offers, etc. at any time, according to internal criteria and needs, respecting the registered Orders and already concluded Contracts. UF International SRL cannot be obliged under any circumstances to maintain a specific price, with the exception of products from orders already placed.

The customer can pay by bank transfer or online with the bank card the value of the ordered Services; the authorization and remittance of Card Acceptance Transactions is carried out exclusively through the Stripe payment processor through the integrated solution. Stripe is the UF International SRL supplier of software solutions that facilitate electronic commerce, meaning payment services, payment administration and anti-fraud protection. In the case of transactions used through the payment processor, Stripe charges an additional commission fully borne by the Customer.

All types of cards issued by Romanian and foreign banks under the VISA and MasterCard logos are accepted, provided that the issuing banks have previously activated them for online payment.

UF International SRL does not request and does not store any information related to the Customer's bank card or cards, these being processed directly on the servers of the online payment service provider.

4.6. Validity of offers

UF International SRL reserves the right to change the prices charged for the Services available on the Site without prior notification to the User or Client in this regard. However, the price displayed on the website at the time of placing the Order will not change, as it is a firm one.

The purchase price of the Services is the one displayed at the time of placing the Order.

The purchase price of the Promotional Services is the price from the moment the Order is placed, within the promotional period indicated on the Site.

The price of the Services related to a placed Order cannot be changed at a time after its registration.

The price of the Services from an already honored Contract cannot be changed.

4.7. Digital Content or Digital Service

The provider provides the digital content or the digital service without undue delay after the conclusion of the contract. The provider fulfills its obligation to supply when, according to the Customer's requests.

The digital content or the digital service is in compliance with the contract if it meets the following requirements, as the case may be: a) it respects the description, quantity and quality and other characteristics stipulated in the contract; b) corresponds to the special purpose for which the Client requests it, which the Client brought to the attention of the Provider at the latest at the time of concluding the contract and which the Provider accepted; c) it is provided together with all the instructions regarding the process of obtaining the extract; d) is provided with updates according to the provisions of the contract.

The provider is also obliged to comply with certain objective compliance requirements. The digital content or the digital service is in compliance if: a) it corresponds to the purpose the User expects, i.e. the access to the extract; b) respect the qualities and performance characteristics, as well as the time for sending the document.

The Provider ensures that the Client is informed of the fact that updates are provided to him and that they are actually provided to him, including security updates, which are necessary to maintain the Conformity of the Digital Content or the Digital Service.

There is no Non-Conformity, and the Provider's obligation is fulfilled, when a certain characteristic of the Digital Content or the Digital Service does not correspond to the objective requirements if, at the time of concluding the contract, the Client was informed explicitly and in a clear language that allows him to understand the consequences of that non-compliance, and the Client expressly and separately accepted this at the time of concluding the contract.

In the event that changes appear that could significantly change the Customer's experience, the Provider will notify the Customer in advance, without requesting additional costs for this. From that moment, if the modification could have a negative impact on him, the Customer will have the right to obtain the termination of the contract or to maintain the Digital Content or Service without the modification in question.

The provider is responsible for any non-delivery of the digital content or the digital service if this is done with unjustified delays after the conclusion of the contract. The Website Content or Service is considered provided when it becomes available or accessible to the User.

The provider is responsible for any non-conformity that exists at the time of supply and that is found within five years from the date of supply.

Any non-conformity caused by the incorrect Integration of the Digital Content or the Digital Service in the User's digital environment is considered to be a non-conformity of the Digital Content or the Digital Service, if one of the following conditions is met: a) The Digital Content or the Digital Service has been integrated by the Provider or under his responsibility; b) The digital content or digital Service was intended to be integrated by the User, and the incorrect integration was due to deficiencies in the integration instructions provided by the Provider.

4.8. Conclusion of the contract at a distance

The distance contract is considered concluded by UF International SRL when the payment of the order placed by the Client is confirmed, in accordance with the relevant legal requirements.

The contract is concluded for a specified period. It will be considered terminated when the parties have fulfilled their mutual obligations within the terms and conditions established by this Document.

4.9. Cancellation Policy

In case of errors occurring when entering data in the specially designated fields, the Client must send a cancellation request to the e-mail address [email protected] as soon as possible. The processing time of the order is a few seconds, and for this reason, UF International SRL cannot guarantee, in all cases, the cancellation of an order placed and, implicitly, the reimbursement of the amount related to the price paid.

As it appears from the previous provisions of this Document, UF International SRL will be able to unilaterally denounce and automatically cancel the order placed by the Customer, without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages to the other in the following cases:

failure/invalidation of the online transaction; non-acceptance by the issuing bank/payment processor of the Customer's card for carrying out the transaction; provision of incomplete or incorrect data by the Client; the Client's activity may cause damage to the VINIETE.NET Site, the UF International SRL company or its partners, or it may affect the intellectual property rights of which the Company is the owner; the customer uses the Service in a way that is not in accordance with customs and good faith or exercises his rights in order to harm or damage the Provider or in an excessive and unreasonable way, contrary to good faith; other justified reasons. For any Order placed, the Customer is obliged to verify and accept the contractual framework described in this Document.

4.10. Data storage and files

The files associated with your order (documents, reports) are stored securely on our servers for a maximum of 40 days. After this period they enter the deletion procedure. Certain data related to your order (name, surname, company name, order date, service invoice, order details) will continue to be stored according to the legislation in force.

5. Return Policy

As a Client of UF International SRL, the User has the right to be informed about the applicable regulations regarding the conclusion of distance contracts between professionals and consumers in the context in which they use the services offered by the Provider.

In order to benefit from the services listed on the VINIETE.NET Website, Users are obliged to complete the order form and make the payment correctly, with truthful and up-to-date information. UF International SRL does not assume responsibility for the impossibility of effective or inadequate provision of the supply service, caused by filling in the forms incorrectly, incompletely or with false information.

Thus, once the transaction to obtain the documents is completed, the payment related to this service cannot be returned, regardless of the circumstances. Customers are obliged to check, before completing the order, the correctness of the data entered in the order form to identify the property.

With the exception of the cases provided for in art. 16 of the Government's Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2014 regarding the consumer's rights within the contracts concluded with the professionals, as well as for the modification or completion of some normative acts, the Consumer benefits from a period of 14 days to withdraw from a contract at a distance or from a contract outside the commercial premises , without having to justify the withdrawal decision and without bearing other costs than those provided by the provisions of this normative act.

However, considering the nature of the services that UF International SRL makes available to the User through the VINIETE.NET online platform, the provisions of art. 16 mentioned above detailing the exceptions to the right to return products.

Thus, according to art. 16 of GEO no. 34/2014, are exempt from the right of withdrawal provided for in art. 9-15 (i.e. from the same normative act), regarding distance contracts and contracts outside commercial premises, the following:

service contracts, after the full performance of the services, if the execution has begun with the prior express consent of the consumer and after he has confirmed that he has become aware of the fact that he will lose his right of withdrawal after the full execution of the contract by the professional; the provision of products or services whose price depends on fluctuations on the financial market that the professional cannot control and that may occur during the withdrawal period; providing products made according to the specifications presented by the consumer or clearly personalized; providing products that are likely to deteriorate or expire quickly; the supply of sealed products that cannot be returned for health protection or hygiene reasons and that have been unsealed by the consumer; the supply of products that are, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other elements; the supply of alcoholic beverages whose price was agreed at the time of the conclusion of the sales contract, whose delivery cannot be made before 30 days and whose real value depends on market fluctuations that the professional cannot control; contracts in which the consumer specifically requested the professional to travel to his home to carry out urgent repair or maintenance work; providing sealed audio or video recordings or sealed computer programs that have been unsealed after delivery; the supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications; contracts concluded within an auction; the provision of accommodation services, for a purpose other than residential, transport of goods, car rental, catering or services related to leisure activities, if the contract provides for a specific execution date or period; the provision of digital content that is not delivered on a physical medium, if the provision has begun with the express prior consent of the consumer and after he has confirmed that he has become aware of the fact that he will lose his right of withdrawal. Thus, the payment made for the purpose of obtaining the services cannot be returned and no special provisions regarding the guarantee on the service that UF International SRL makes available to the User through the VINIETE.NET website are necessary.

If the customer places, for any reason, the same order several times for the generation of the same type of document, the Customer will NOT receive a refund for the additional orders.

6. The exceptional procedure for reimbursement of the value of the service

If, through no fault of the Provider, the UF International SRL system is suspended or non-functional, the Customer has the possibility to cancel the order submitted, and the amount paid will be returned in full.

UF International SRL undertakes to immediately inform the Client about the occurrence of such situations and to inform him of the possibility to cancel the order and implicitly to have the payment returned to him.

In the situation described above, UF International SRL will refund the full amount of the amount paid for obtaining the documents/services, within 1-30 days calculated from the moment of payment confirmation, with the exception of the commission registered by the Stripe payment processor.

UF International SRL is not responsible for any damages resulting from the non-functioning of our partners' sites, the national system for generating extracts, as well as for those resulting from the impossibility of accessing certain links published on the Site or transmitted to the Client through electronic means of remote communication.

Any reimbursement that the Administrator owes the User as a result of a price reduction or termination of the contract is made without undue delay and, in any case, within 14 days from the date on which the Administrator is informed of the User's decision to invokes the right to reduce the price.

The Provider makes the reimbursement using the same means of payment that the User used to pay for the Digital Content or the Digital Service, unless the User has given his express consent to the use of other means of payment and provided that the reimbursement does not involve payment of commissions by the User.

The Provider does not charge the User any fees related to reimbursement.

7. Limitation of liability

UF International SRL cannot be held responsible to any natural or legal person who uses or relies on the Content.

The user is solely responsible for the correctness of the information entered in the order form (invoicing by default).

The provider cannot be held responsible for any kind of damage (direct, indirect, accidental or not, etc.) resulting from the use or inability to use the Content-type information presented or not on the Site or for any type of errors or omissions in the presentation of Content that may lead to any kind of losses.

UF International SRL is not responsible for registrations that are not uploaded on the Site, including, but not limited to, technical problems independent of the will of the Provider, losses, delays or any other situations arising when placing the order caused by service providers and/ or the Internet, the Internet connection of the person who wants to place an order, etc.

If a User/Client/Subscriber considers that a Content sent by any means by UF International SRL violates copyright or any other rights, he can contact the Provider for additional details, so that UF International SRL can remedy any violations .

The user uses the Site assuming his own responsibility, UF International SRL being free from any liability for direct or indirect damages caused by using/accessing/visiting the Site or as a result of using the information on the Site.

UF International SRL is not responsible for errors or omissions that may intervene in the drafting or presentation of materials on the website.

UF International SRL does not guarantee the User/Client access to the Site or the Service and does not grant him the right to download or modify partially and/or fully the Content, reproduce partially or fully the Content, copy, or exploit any Content in any other way or to transfer to any third party any Content to which he has and/or has obtained access, based on a user agreement, without the prior written consent of the Provider.

UF International SRL is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of other sites reached through links from the Content, regardless of the nature of these links. For the respective sites, the responsibility is borne, in full, by their owners.

The Provider is exonerated from any fault in the case of the use of the Site and/or the Content transmitted to the User or Client by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), through the Site, e-mail or a UF employee International SRL, when this use of the Content can produce or actually produce damages of any nature on the part of the User, the Client and/or any third party involved in this transfer of Content.

UF International SRL does not offer any direct or indirect guarantees that:

The service will be according to the Customer's requirements; The Service will be uninterrupted, secure or error-free of any kind; The services obtained free of charge or for a fee through the Site will correspond to the requirements or expectations of the Client. UF International SRL cannot be held responsible in any way towards any Client who uses the Site or Content, other than within the limits of the articles constituting the Terms and Conditions.

UF International SRL declares on its own responsibility that the Services listed on VINIETE.NET are not counterfeit. In case of dissatisfaction on the part of the User/Client/Subscriber, he can make a request to the e-mail address [email protected].

The provider is responsible for any non-delivery of the digital content or the digital service if this is done with unjustified delays after the conclusion of the contract. The Website Content or Service is considered provided when it becomes available or accessible to the User.

The provider is responsible for any non-conformity that exists at the time of supply and that is found within five years from the date of supply.

Any non-conformity caused by the incorrect Integration of the Digital Content or the Digital Service in the User's digital environment is considered to be a non-conformity of the Digital Content or the Digital Service, if one of the following conditions is met: a) The Digital Content or the Digital Service has been integrated by the Provider or under his responsibility; b) The digital content or digital Service was intended to be integrated by the User, and the incorrect integration was due to deficiencies in the integration instructions provided by the Provider.

7.1. Corrective measures in case of non-delivery/non-compliance

If the Provider does not provide the Digital Content or the Digital Service in accordance, the User requests the Provider to provide the Digital Content or the Digital Service.

In case of non-compliance, the User has the right to bring the Digital Content or Digital Service into compliance or to a proportional price reduction.

The User has the right to bring the requested Services into compliance, unless this would be impossible or would impose disproportionate costs on the Provider, taking into account all the circumstances, including: a) the value of the Digital Content or the Digital Service in the event in which there would have been no non-conformity; b) the seriousness of the non-conformity.

The Provider brings the Digital Content or the Digital Service into compliance within a reasonable period of time that cannot exceed 15 calendar days from the moment the Provider was informed by the User of the non-compliance and which is established by mutual agreement, in writing, between Provider and User, without costs and without any significant inconvenience for the User, taking into account the nature of the Digital Content or the Digital Service and the purpose for which the User requested the Digital Content or the Digital Service.

The user has the right to a proportional price reduction, if the Digital Content or Digital Service is provided in exchange for the payment of a price in any of the following cases:

the corrective measure to bring the Digital Content or the Digital Service into compliance is impossible or disproportionate; The provider has not brought the digital content or the digital service into compliance; a non-conformity is found, despite the Administrator's attempt to bring the Digital Content or the Digital Service into compliance; the non-conformity is of such gravity that it justifies an immediate price reduction; The provider has declared that it will not bring the digital content or the digital service into compliance, or this is clear from the circumstances of the case. The price reduction is proportional to the decrease in the value of the Digital Content or Digital Service provided to the User compared to the value that the Digital Content or Digital Service would have if it were in compliance.

In case of non-compliance, the User has the right to suspend the payment of an outstanding part of the price of the Digital Content or Service or a part of it until the Provider brings the Digital Content or the Digital Service into compliance, provided that the suspended payment does not either related to a Digital Content or Digital Service already provided by the Provider and which was compliant.

8. Fraud and SPAM

UF International SRL does not ask its Customers/Users/Subscribers, by any means of communication (e-mail/telephone/SMS etc.), for information regarding confidential data, bank accounts/cards or personal passwords etc.

The Client/User assumes full responsibility for disclosing his confidential data to a third party.

UF International SRL will not be held responsible in the event that a User/Client/Subscriber is/is harmed in any way by a third party who claims to be/represent the interests of UF International SRL.

The Client or User will inform UF International SRL about such fraud attempts, using the contact data available on the Site.

UF International SRL does not promote SPAM.

The communications made by the Provider through electronic means of remote communication (i.e. e-mail, telephone, etc.) contain complete and compliant identification data of the sender or links to them, on the date of transmission of the Content.

The following goals achieved or not will be considered attempts to defraud the Site/Content and/or the UF International SRL Company and the criminal investigation will be launched against the one or those who tried to or achieved these purpose(s):

to access the data of any type of another User/Client by using an account or by any other method; to alter or otherwise modify the content of the Site or the Content sent by any method by UF International SRL to the User/Client/Subscriber; to affect the performance of the server/servers on which the Site runs; to access or disclose to any third party who does not have the necessary legal authority, the Content sent by any means by UF International SRL to the User/Client when he is not the legitimate recipient of the Content.

9. Force majeure and fortuitous event

Except for the cases in which it was not expressly provided otherwise, none of the parties to a concluded contract, which is still in progress, will be responsible for the non-execution on time and/or in a proper manner, in whole or in part, of any of the obligations is incumbent on the basis of the Contract, if the non-execution of the respective obligation was caused by a force majeure event.

The party or the legal representative of the party invoking the event mentioned above is obliged to inform the other party, immediately and completely, of its occurrence and to take any measures available to them in order to limit the consequences of the said event.

The party or the legal representative of the party that invokes the event mentioned above is exempted from this obligation only if the event prevents him/her from completing it.

If within 15 days from the date of production, the respective event does not cease, each party will have the right to notify the other party of the termination of the Contract concluded at a distance, without any of them being able to claim other damages-interests from the other.

The party invoking the force majeure event must prove the impossibility of fulfilling the obligations within 30 days from the date of its occurrence.

10. Litigation

By using/visiting/viewing etc. of the Site and/or any Content sent by UF International SRL to the User/Client by accessing and/or sending by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), he/she declares to agree at least with these Terms and Conditions.

This Agreement is considered concluded in Romania and, consequently, is governed by the legal provisions applicable on the territory of Romania. Any dispute with reference to the Document that could arise between the Client and UF International SRL will be resolved amicably. If the amicable resolution of the conflict will not be possible within 30 days from the registration of the complaint, it will be resolved by the competent court at the headquarters of UF International SRL.

Considering the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 524/2013 regarding the online resolution of consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) no. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/CE, UF International SRL offers the Client the opportunity to opt for extrajudicial resolution of any disputes, by using the European online dispute resolution platform (SOL platform), a digital tool created by the European Commission to facilitate the independent, impartial, transparent, effective, quick and fair settlement, by extrajudicial means, of disputes concerning the contractual obligations resulting from contracts for the sale or provision of online services between a consumer residing in the Union and an established merchant in the Union.

UF International SRL is not responsible for any loss, costs, lawsuits, claims, expenses, etc., if these are directly caused by non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions.

If any of the above clauses will be found null or invalid, regardless of the cause, this clause will not affect the validity of the other clauses of this Agreement.

11. Alternative dispute resolution - SOL

In order to resolve independently, impartially, transparently, effectively, quickly and fairly, by extrajudicial means, any disputes that concern the contractual obligations resulting from the sales contracts concluded with you as a Consumer, through the VINIETE.NET website, we inform you of the existence and possibility of resorting to the European SOL platform (hereinafter referred to as the "SOL platform").

The SOL platform is an interactive website, free and available online in all the official languages of the European Union institutions, created for consumers and traders who want an extrajudicial solution to the disputes indicated in the previous paragraph.

You can access the SOL platform at the following internet address: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=RO.

Our e-mail address is the following: [email protected].

12. Final clauses

UF International SRL reserves the right to make any changes to the provisions of this Document, as well as any changes to the Site/its structure/Service, including changes that could affect the Site and/or any Content, without prior notification of The User or the Client in this sense.

The provider cannot be held responsible for any errors that may occur on the Site for any reason, including due to changes, settings, etc., which are not made by the Site administrator.

UF International SRL reserves the right to insert advertising banners of any nature and/or links on any page of the Site, in compliance with the legislation in force.

In the event that there are questions/suggestions regarding UF International SRL, you can contact us at the e-mail address: [email protected].

The present terms and conditions allow the Client to archive and reproduce them, the Provider ensuring correct and transparent information to the Consumers.

These Terms and Conditions are valid on the VINIETE.NET online platform owned by UF International SRL.

This document was drawn up in accordance with the legislation applicable on the territory of Romania and fully represents the agreement of the parties.